пятница, 19 декабря 2008 г.

10 Yoga Poses to Speed Up Your Workout Recovery

10 Yoga Poses to Speed Up Your Workout Recovery
10 Yoga Poses to Speed Up Your Workout Recovery

Feeling sore after a tough workout? It's important to give your body plenty of time to recover in between intense sweat sessions. Restorative yoga allows the nervous system to recharge and reset and has been scientifically proven to help lower cortisol levels, mitigating stress and the effect of situations that we feel are out of our control. And less stress equals a faster recovery and improved immune function, so you can keep up with your demand workout regimen. So here are 10 yoga poses you can do after every workout (or on your active recovery days) to help you maximize you time in the gym. (NOTE: Before you begin, you’ll need one bolster, at least two blankets and two blocks for these moves.)

Why Restorative Yoga Is Great for Athletes

Restorative yoga uses props to ensure that the body is able to deeply relax. Props, gravity and breathing do the work for you; there’s no trying or forcing. It’s an energizing shift from how today’s world operates -- and everyone, especially athletes, needs balance. “Athletes who are coming to practice realize the value of resting the body as an important component of their training regimen,” says Lauren Eckstrom, an experienced restorative yoga teacher in Venice, Calif. “What keeps them coming back is how good they feel. They become more attuned to their bodies. They’re sleeping soundly, there are improvements in digestion, insomnia, athletic performance.” Practicing restorative poses at least once a week is a proactive step in preventing overuse injuries, burnout and fatigue.

Related: The One Thing Your Yoga Practice Might Be Missing

1. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This pose literally means “reverse action.” It helps drain the lymphatic system to carry toxins to the liver and kidneys for excretion, reverses blood flow and can mentally help flip your perspective of stressful issues. HOW TO DO IT: Place a bolster or blanket under your hips. Take a seat with your sit bones as close to the wall as comfortable, lie back with your arms relaxed and out to the side and send your legs up the wall. The more flexible you are through your lower body, the more comfortable you’ll feel closer to the wall. If you’d like, you can place a strap around your thighs for support. Breathe and let go as you relax for five to 10 minutes.

2. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Sinking into this pose is like taking a mini vacation. The external rotation of the hips and support of the upper back to help open the chest and externally rotate the shoulders compensate for the tasks we do each day like driving and sitting at a computer desk. Supporting the knees with blocks allows the inner thighs to open and receive a loving stretch without adding any strain or discomfort. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on a bolster with your sit bones on the floor and a blanket under your head for support. Bring the soles of your feet together and place a block under each knee. Relax your arms out the sides and melt into this pose for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 11 Yoga Poses to Eliminate Stress From Your Day

3. Supported Supine Twist (Supta Jaṭhara Parivartanasana)

Twists are an excellent way to cleanse the entire body -- the inner organs, nerves and muscles. They are fantastic for the digestive system, because they can aid in elimination and revitalize your body and mind. HOW TO DO IT: Fold a blanket to support your head, have your bolster and/or blanket to the side. Lie down with arms out to the sides, palms facing up. Bring your left knee in toward your chest, extend your right leg, look to the left or straight up, keep your shoulders on the floor and roll the left hip over to the right. Rest your left knee on the support, breathe and relax for five to 10 minutes on each side.

Related: 11 Yoga Poses to Detoxify Your Body

4. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Our hip flexors can get tight due from movements like squatting, running and biking, not to mention daily tasks like sitting and driving. Then, the pelvis rotates forward, which elongates the hamstrings and gluteus maximus beyond their ideal length. This makes the hamstrings and glutes weak. Release the tension and restore your body back to a more balanced state with this pose. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back, bend your knees, press your feet into the floor and engage your glutes to lift your hips. Place a block under the bony back part of your pelvis. Relax on top of the block with arms at your sides and breathe for two to five minutes.

5. Supported Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

This pose allows you to lengthen the hamstrings, release the lower back and lengthen the spine, counteracting compression. Forward folds are known to help alleviate nervous tension, provide relief from headaches and aid in balance of the hormonal system. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the floor with legs together and outstretched. Place a bolster on top of your thighs. You can also place a folded blanket under your sit bones for support. Fold forward at the hips (not the waist). Let your arms reach for your toes or rest beside you. Rest the crown of your head on the bolster or turn your cheek to one side. Relax into the pose for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 5 Stretches for Tight Hamstrings

6. Supported Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana)

This is a deep inner-thigh stretch. Plus, opening up these centers of the body may help alleviate low-back or abdominal pain as well as feelings of irritation or anger. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the mat with your legs spread wide (about 90 degrees, depending on your flexibility). You can sit on a folded blanket under your sit bones to support your lower back if necessary. Place a bolster in front of you with blankets on top to adjust to your level of flexibility. Hinge forward at the hips. Relax your chest onto the bolster and turn your head to one side. Stay here for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 10 Yoga Moves to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime

7. Supported Child’s Pose (Salamba Balasana)

Performing this pose can feel like escaping to a secret hideaway that pampers the body and nurtures the soul. Child’s pose eases the nervous system, allows you to relax the front side of the body, breathe into the back body and rest your head, delivering a sense of calm. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster on your yoga mat. Fold blankets and stack on top of the bolster if needed. Place your knees to the sides of the bolster. Sit your hips back toward your heels. Lengthen the sternum and fold forward over the bolsters, placing your arms at the sides and resting your cheek on the bolster. Breathe into your back body and relax deeply for as long as you’d like.

Related: 5 Restorative Yoga Poses for Restful Sleep

8. Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

Reclining hero pose is an excellent pose to open up the chest, shoulders and upper back and lengthen the abdomen, hip flexors and quadriceps. Be mindful, though: The reclining version in particular can be too advanced if you have knee issues. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster on your mat. Kneel in front of your bolster with your shins hugged in close to the midline of your body, buttocks completely on the floor. Lower your back toward the bolster, placing your elbows on the floor and lying back. Draw your front ribs in and lift your pubis toward your navel to create length in your lower back. Breathe as you sink deeply into the pose for two to five minutes.

9. Supported Half Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Hip mobility not only feels good, but it may be the key to being free from knee and low-back pain. According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, about 63 percent of subjects reported improvements in chronic low-back pain after performing hip-mobility exercises. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster beneath you while in downward dog. Lunge your right foot in between your hands. Drop the left knee to the floor. Slide your left leg way back. Walk your right foot to your left hand and drop your right knee to the floor. Rest your torso on your bolster with your head turned to one side and your arms resting at your sides. Breathe deeply and remain in the pose for five to 10 minutes before switching sides.

Related: 9 Moves You Can Do Every Day for Better Joint Mobility

10. Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)

What Do YOU Think?

10 Yoga Poses to Speed Up Your Workout Recovery

Feeling sore after a tough workout? It's important to give your body plenty of time to recover in between intense sweat sessions. Restorative yoga allows the nervous system to recharge and reset and has been scientifically proven to help lower cortisol levels, mitigating stress and the effect of situations that we feel are out of our control. And less stress equals a faster recovery and improved immune function, so you can keep up with your demand workout regimen. So here are 10 yoga poses you can do after every workout (or on your active recovery days) to help you maximize you time in the gym. (NOTE: Before you begin, you’ll need one bolster, at least two blankets and two blocks for these moves.)

Why Restorative Yoga Is Great for Athletes

Restorative yoga uses props to ensure that the body is able to deeply relax. Props, gravity and breathing do the work for you; there’s no trying or forcing. It’s an energizing shift from how today’s world operates -- and everyone, especially athletes, needs balance. “Athletes who are coming to practice realize the value of resting the body as an important component of their training regimen,” says Lauren Eckstrom, an experienced restorative yoga teacher in Venice, Calif. “What keeps them coming back is how good they feel. They become more attuned to their bodies. They’re sleeping soundly, there are improvements in digestion, insomnia, athletic performance.” Practicing restorative poses at least once a week is a proactive step in preventing overuse injuries, burnout and fatigue.

Related: The One Thing Your Yoga Practice Might Be Missing

1. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This pose literally means “reverse action.” It helps drain the lymphatic system to carry toxins to the liver and kidneys for excretion, reverses blood flow and can mentally help flip your perspective of stressful issues. HOW TO DO IT: Place a bolster or blanket under your hips. Take a seat with your sit bones as close to the wall as comfortable, lie back with your arms relaxed and out to the side and send your legs up the wall. The more flexible you are through your lower body, the more comfortable you’ll feel closer to the wall. If you’d like, you can place a strap around your thighs for support. Breathe and let go as you relax for five to 10 minutes.

2. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Sinking into this pose is like taking a mini vacation. The external rotation of the hips and support of the upper back to help open the chest and externally rotate the shoulders compensate for the tasks we do each day like driving and sitting at a computer desk. Supporting the knees with blocks allows the inner thighs to open and receive a loving stretch without adding any strain or discomfort. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on a bolster with your sit bones on the floor and a blanket under your head for support. Bring the soles of your feet together and place a block under each knee. Relax your arms out the sides and melt into this pose for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 11 Yoga Poses to Eliminate Stress From Your Day

3. Supported Supine Twist (Supta Jaṭhara Parivartanasana)

Twists are an excellent way to cleanse the entire body -- the inner organs, nerves and muscles. They are fantastic for the digestive system, because they can aid in elimination and revitalize your body and mind. HOW TO DO IT: Fold a blanket to support your head, have your bolster and/or blanket to the side. Lie down with arms out to the sides, palms facing up. Bring your left knee in toward your chest, extend your right leg, look to the left or straight up, keep your shoulders on the floor and roll the left hip over to the right. Rest your left knee on the support, breathe and relax for five to 10 minutes on each side.

Related: 11 Yoga Poses to Detoxify Your Body

4. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Our hip flexors can get tight due from movements like squatting, running and biking, not to mention daily tasks like sitting and driving. Then, the pelvis rotates forward, which elongates the hamstrings and gluteus maximus beyond their ideal length. This makes the hamstrings and glutes weak. Release the tension and restore your body back to a more balanced state with this pose. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back, bend your knees, press your feet into the floor and engage your glutes to lift your hips. Place a block under the bony back part of your pelvis. Relax on top of the block with arms at your sides and breathe for two to five minutes.

5. Supported Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

This pose allows you to lengthen the hamstrings, release the lower back and lengthen the spine, counteracting compression. Forward folds are known to help alleviate nervous tension, provide relief from headaches and aid in balance of the hormonal system. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the floor with legs together and outstretched. Place a bolster on top of your thighs. You can also place a folded blanket under your sit bones for support. Fold forward at the hips (not the waist). Let your arms reach for your toes or rest beside you. Rest the crown of your head on the bolster or turn your cheek to one side. Relax into the pose for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 5 Stretches for Tight Hamstrings

6. Supported Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana)

This is a deep inner-thigh stretch. Plus, opening up these centers of the body may help alleviate low-back or abdominal pain as well as feelings of irritation or anger. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the mat with your legs spread wide (about 90 degrees, depending on your flexibility). You can sit on a folded blanket under your sit bones to support your lower back if necessary. Place a bolster in front of you with blankets on top to adjust to your level of flexibility. Hinge forward at the hips. Relax your chest onto the bolster and turn your head to one side. Stay here for five to 10 minutes.

Related: 10 Yoga Moves to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime

7. Supported Child’s Pose (Salamba Balasana)

Performing this pose can feel like escaping to a secret hideaway that pampers the body and nurtures the soul. Child’s pose eases the nervous system, allows you to relax the front side of the body, breathe into the back body and rest your head, delivering a sense of calm. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster on your yoga mat. Fold blankets and stack on top of the bolster if needed. Place your knees to the sides of the bolster. Sit your hips back toward your heels. Lengthen the sternum and fold forward over the bolsters, placing your arms at the sides and resting your cheek on the bolster. Breathe into your back body and relax deeply for as long as you’d like.

Related: 5 Restorative Yoga Poses for Restful Sleep

8. Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

Reclining hero pose is an excellent pose to open up the chest, shoulders and upper back and lengthen the abdomen, hip flexors and quadriceps. Be mindful, though: The reclining version in particular can be too advanced if you have knee issues. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster on your mat. Kneel in front of your bolster with your shins hugged in close to the midline of your body, buttocks completely on the floor. Lower your back toward the bolster, placing your elbows on the floor and lying back. Draw your front ribs in and lift your pubis toward your navel to create length in your lower back. Breathe as you sink deeply into the pose for two to five minutes.

9. Supported Half Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Hip mobility not only feels good, but it may be the key to being free from knee and low-back pain. According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, about 63 percent of subjects reported improvements in chronic low-back pain after performing hip-mobility exercises. HOW TO DO IT: Place your bolster beneath you while in downward dog. Lunge your right foot in between your hands. Drop the left knee to the floor. Slide your left leg way back. Walk your right foot to your left hand and drop your right knee to the floor. Rest your torso on your bolster with your head turned to one side and your arms resting at your sides. Breathe deeply and remain in the pose for five to 10 minutes before switching sides.

Related: 9 Moves You Can Do Every Day for Better Joint Mobility

10. Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)

What Do YOU Think?

Original article and pictures take www.livestrong.com site

понедельник, 15 декабря 2008 г.

10 Things You're Not Doing at the Gym (But Should Be)

10 Things You're Not Doing at the Gym (But Should Be)

Get the most out of your gym membership with these expert tips

You Don't Use the "Heavy" Weights

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It can be intimidating to venture out onto the weight room floor, especially when it's full of bodybuilding types throwing weights around. But you aren't doing yourself any favors by staying in the corner with those little pink dumbbells!

"You have two types of muscle fibers: slow and fast. If you don't use heavier weights, you neglect an entire set of muscle fibers, namely the fast fibers, which are important for moving quickly, lifting weighty objects (your heavy purse, grocery bag, suitcase), and for spine and hip stability," says Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery and creator of the Perfect Legs, Glutes & Abs DVD.

And if you're worried that you'll bulk up, don't be. "Women cannot add much size to their muscles to begin with since we have low concentrations of the male hormone testosterone, which is necessary to enlarge muscle to any noticeable degree," Olson says.

You Don't Use Your Upper Body Enough During Cardio Sessions

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Does your typical cardio session always involve the treadmill, stationary bike, or stair stepper? You may not be burning as many calories as you could be, Olson says. "Using your upper-body muscles more can up your total calorie count and will help you develop better endurance. Athletes with the fittest cardiovascular systems are total-body, aerobic athletes such as cross country skiers and swimmers (movements which use both the arms and the legs)."

Olson recommends using machines with an upper body component, like a total-body elliptical machine, and alternating intervals focusing on your upper and lower body. For example, try pumping the handles more aggressively with your arms for 2 minutes, and then focus on moving with your legs for the next 3 minutes. Or mix things up by using an upper-body arm bike (or try a Krankcycling class) that forces you to raise your heart rate using only your upper half—it's tougher than it sounds!

You Don't Have a Plan

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Do you want to lose 10 pounds, run a 5K, or become more flexible? "There are special workout plans for each of the above, and they are not interchangeable—there is no "one exercise-fits-all" program," Olson says. "If you do not have a plan to address your greatest fitness needs and desires, you can stall results and actually create changes you do not need or that might not even be appropriate for you."

Your primary objective (weight loss, endurance, strength) should influence the volume (amount you do), intensity (how light or hard/heavy) and the mode (cardio, resistance exercises, stretching programs) of every workout, which is why Olson says it's so important to take the time to meet with a qualified trainer at your gym for an assessment and to help create your goal-specific program.

You Don't Push Yourself Enough

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You may have just spent 2 hours at the gym, but how much of that time were you intensely exercising? Yes, fitness should be fun, but if your set routine involves reading a magazine on a card machine followed by the same weight machine circuit, chances are you aren't seeing the results you want.

"In the beginning exercise can feel unruly and even excruciating—which is clearly not fun—but once your body learns how to do various exercise movements and your strength and stamina improve, it's time to upgrade your program," Olson says. "Time and again research has shown that increasing to more vigorous levels of activity bring about greater health benefits and noticeably improved fitness and appearance."

And you don't have to spend more time at the gym. In fact, if you focus on the quality of your workout, you may actually spend less time there. "This is why interval training has become so popular," Olsen says. Experts recommend a range of intensity levels, but many interval workouts go up to 85 percent or your max heart rate. "If you can learn to push yourself appropriately, you can also land the benefit of a higher metabolism following exercise—that means you are rewarded for your extra effort following exercise with an extra energy burn!"

You Don't Take Advantage of the Experts Who Work There

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"If your club has trainers, movement specialists, physical therapists, nutritionists, or registered dietitians, use them!" Olson says. "They are skilled to determine some needs you may have that are not obvious but could prevent you from making progress or possibly causing you injury."

This is especially important if your goal is weight loss. If you're trying to lose weight, what you eat is incredibly important, especially if you're regularly exercising.

"A trained expert can speed up your progress and results as well as prevent you from burning out, under-eating, or over-doing," Olsen says.

You Don't Do Eccentric Exercises

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We like to work the muscles we can see in the mirror (like our abs), but we can't ignore our backsides, especially the muscles around our spine, Olson says. For example, we tend to crunch, curl, and shorten our abs, but it's also important to try some eccentric movements to help balance out the strength of those muscles during "lengthening" movements.

Try this eccentric move during your next workout to help balance out your body:

Rotating Super Girl:This move uses a 'sit-up' board (or bench) adjusted on a decline. Start sitting on the bench and hook your legs under the pads to hold them in place. Keeping your abs drawn in tight and your spine straight, hinge back away from your legs until your body is making a 'V' shape. Bring both arms up and bend your elbows, turning your palms in as if you were holding a giant ball above your head. Slowly rotate your torso to the right (as shown), then back to the center, and to the left (counting each rotation as one rep). Work your way up to three full sets of 15 reps to target your abs in a whole new way.

You Don't "Pound" Enough

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You already know that it's important to do weight-bearing exercise to help protect your bones, but you may not realize just how much loading you need to do in order to reap the bone density benefits. "While treadmill walking is sufficient to keep the spinal bones strong, your hip bones need more loading," Olson says. "To do this, think "steep," or "stomp." If you want to stick to walking, increase the incline on the treadmill to seven percent for 3 minutes, followed by 5 minutes on level ground, alternating five times during a 40-minute workout.

Other options: Take a step class, use that machine with the revolving stairs, or walk the stairs in your gym. This extra impact is not too heavy but at a level that is much more effective at getting your hip bones to take up more calcium and become more dense.

You Don't Do Unilateral Training

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Every time you use a leg press, leg curl, or leg extension machine at the gym, you work both legs together at same the time. The problem? This could be causing some muscular imbalances in your body, according to Olson.

"Most of us do not have equal muscle fitness on our right versus left leg, and when you exercise both legs together, the stronger one tends to naturally do a bit more of the work," she says. Try using less weight and doing a full set on your weaker (usually the left) side first. Then, switch legs and do a full set with your stronger side.

"It's a real eye-opener—try it! Training like this will also go far to help you balance the strength between the right and left sides of you body," Olson says.

You Leave Without Stretching

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Skipping a post-workout stretch is the most common mistake exercisers make, Olson says. After, not before, your workout is the perfect time to stretch, as your muscles are warm and flowing with oxygen-rich blood.

All adults should be stretching at least three times a week, Olson says. Stretch the front side of your body first, since tighter muscles on the front of the body can reduce flexibility in the back of your body. For example, if your hip flexors are tight, your hamstrings will have limited flexibility.

Short on time? Even doing just two stretches before you head out the door can make a big difference. Here are some of Olsen's favorites:

Heel to Glute Stretch (top image): Lie facedown on a mat or towel with your legs extended out behind you. Reach your right arm out in front of your shoulder, palm pressed into the floor. Bend your left knee and grab a hold of your left foot with your left hand, gently pulling your heel in towards your body. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and then switch legs. If you have time, repeat up to three times total with each leg.

Prone Abs Stretch (bottom image):Lie facedown with your legs extended out behind you, bend your elbows in underneath your shoulders and lift your chest off the floor, propping your body up with your forearms (palms should face the floor). Let your lower body relax and try to keep your hips on the ground as you extend your spine and stretch the front of your body. Hold for 30-60 seconds and then release. If you have time, repeat up to three times total.

You Don't Change Direction

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Changing your direction is another great way to mix up your cardio workouts for better results. If you always move forward on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike, try moving sideways and backwards too, Olson says.

"We are so used to moving forward in one plane of motion, but research on treadmill exercise has shown that you can burn more calories and activate lesser-used muscles such as your outer hip muscles, shins, and hamstrings if you turn your walk or jog sideways and backwards."

Try this routine: Walk or jog for 3 minutes forward, and then turn to the side and do a side shuffle for 30 seconds with your right leg leading, and then turn around and lead with your left leg for 30 seconds. Return to your forward stride for 3 more minutes, and then try walking backwards for 30 seconds. For safety, be sure to slow your speed and/or use the handrails as you adjust to moving in new directions.

"Since your body is not used to this (even though it is designed to move in all three directions), it will pump your heart rate up higher and cause you to burn extra calories." You can also do this on the elliptical or stationary bike. Use the interval routine above but simply pedal backwards for the 30-second intervals.

Original article and pictures take www.shape.com site

пятница, 28 ноября 2008 г.

10 Stretches To Do After Orangetheory

10 Stretches To Do After Orangetheory

The perfect stretching routine with 10 simple stretches to do at home after an Orangetheory class or other HIIT workout.

I’ve been hooked on Orangetheory workouts since Richmond got a studio back in October. The classes combine high intensity cardio intervals with strength training and are basically everything I want to be doing on my own at the gym, but with an instructor/coach and the extra motivation of working out in a group setting. I love the energy and the fact that the workouts are always different.

At the end of each class the instructor leads the class through a few stretches to cool down and loosen up the muscles we just worked. The stretch session is usually pretty quick because the hour class time is up and typically another class is coming in as well. Many of the instructors mention that the short post-class stretch isn’t enough and that members should be stretching on their own once they get home as well. I totally agree so I put together a short stretching routine that I can do at home on my own… during an afternoon break from work or while I’m watching TV after dinner.

If you’re in a similar boat — taking Orangetheory classes or doing intense workouts — you may find this stretching routine helpful. It loosens up the muscles throughout your entire body with only 10 simple stretches. No equipment necessary. <— I love my foam roller and wanted to include a few foam rolling exercises, but I figured I should keep this routine equipment free and do another one with the roller.

If you’re still not clear why you should take time out of your day to stretch (I’m talking to you, people who always skip the stretching portion of group fitness classes), here’s a couple reasons why stretching is beneficial: stretching reduces muscle tension, improves range of movement within the joints and increases circulation of blood. Stretching not only helps your muscles recover faster (so you’ll feel less sore), but it helps to keep you injury-free as well!

Now that you know why you need to be stretching, let me show you the moves:


Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch (Quads)

  • Kneel on a mat and bring your left knee up so the bottom of your foot is on the floor and extend your right leg out behind you so the top of your foot is on the floor.
  • Shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in your right hip. Hold for 15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Forward Fold

Seated Forward Fold (Neck, Back, Hamstrings)

  • Sit on a mat with legs straight out in front of you. Feet should be flexed with your toes pointed to the sky.
  • Raise your arms above your head and lengthen your spine. Exhale, and slowly bend forward at the hips keeping your butt and heels connected to the ground as you bend.
  • Bend at your hips until you can no longer bend. If you can, grasp your feet with your hands. If you are unable to reach your feet, bend your elbows until your forearms rest comfortably on the floor and grasp your legs. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Glute Stretch

Pretzel Stretch (Glutes & Hips)

  • Lie on your back and bend one leg.
  • Straighten your opposite leg and raise it towards the sky. Put the foot of your bent leg on the knee of your straight leg.
  • Pull your straight leg towards your chest, allowing it to bend.
  • Hold this for 30-60 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Cobra Stretch

Cobra (Abs & Lower Back)

  • Lay on your stomach with your legs extended and with palms planted on either side of your head with your forearms and elbows flat on the ground.
  • Slowly, push your body upwards, so your weight is resting on your forearms. Be sure to keep your hips on the ground.
  • Once you reach a comfortable position that gently stretches your abdominal muscles and lower back, hold for 10-15 seconds. If you have more flexibility in your lower back, try straightening your arms.


Upper Back Stretch

  • Stand with your arms out in front and clasped.
  • Push your hands forward as far as possible and let your head fall forward.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Chest Stretch

Chest Stretch

  • Stand up tall, lengthening through your spine.
  • Lift your chest, and relax your shoulders. Look straight ahead, keeping your chin level.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back, and slowly raise arms as far as possible. Hold for 10–15 seconds.

Quad Stretch

Standing Quad Stretch

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Reach back and grab your right foot with your right hand, keeping thighs lined up next to each other and right leg in line with your hip.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Calf Stretch

Calf Stretch

  • Start in push-up position.
  • Place one foot on top of the opposite leg.
  • Put pressure on the bottom foot by trying to lower your heal to the ground. You will feel the stretch in the back of your lower leg.
  • Hold the stretch for about 20-30 seconds then switch to the other foot.

Tricep Stretch

Tricep Stretch

  • Sit or stand in a relaxed position with your back straight.
  • Raise your right arm straight overhead, then bend it so your right hand is on the middle of your upper back. Your biceps and forearm should be touching.
  • Reach over with your left hand and grasp your right elbow on the top.
  • Pull your right elbow gently toward your left side until you feel a stretch in your right tricep.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder Stretch

  • Sit or stand in a relaxed position with your back straight.
  • Place one arm across your body.
  • Keep your arm parallel to the ground and pull your elbow towards your opposite shoulder.

The perfect stretching routine with 10 simple stretches to do at home after an Orangetheory class or other HIIT workout.
The perfect stretching routine with 10 simple stretches to do at home after an Orangetheory class or other HIIT workout.

Do you take time to stretch after working out? What’s your favorite stretch?

Got back pain? Check out these 6 stretches for a healthy back.

  • 30 Minute Walking Workout
    30 Minute Walking Workout
  • Orangetheory Fitness Workout Review
    Orangetheory Fitness Workout Review
  • 5 Exercises to Lose Those Love Handles
    5 Exercises to Lose Those Love Handles

Original article and pictures take www.eatingbirdfood.com site

пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

10 Stretches That Get You Shredded

10 Stretches That Get You Shredded

1 secret to fat loss that trainers don't want you to know.


Hey guys, it's johhny here from insanehomefatloss and today I'm going to teach you how to stretch for ridiculous muscle growth. This is one stretching method that you can use after every workout to maximize muscle growth and make sure your muscles stay lean and ripped.

Video Breakdown

0:24 I am going to give you 10 stretches that you should implement into your workout on a day to day basis. I am going to briefly show you the stretches and explain the benefits of each stretch, but I want to make sure that when you do this routine... you hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds.

0:40 #1 Hang your hams is the first stretch you are going to do and it stretches your hamstrings. So keep your back flat, bend over at the hips and let your torso hang while you are getting a nice deep stretch on your hamstrings.

1:15 #2 The 3 way V-stretch. So you want to spread your legs out as wide as your can, but you want to be comfortable and avoid pulling anything by over-spreading them. Keep your back flat and bend forward at the hips. You should feel this stretch throughout your legs, especially in the groin area. Next, you want to lean to the left and with your right arm, grab your left calf. Lastly, you want to do the right side.

2:32 #3 Hip flexor stretch. It is often overlooked, but you definitely want to warm those up before any type of workout to avoid energy. Start out with your right knee on the floor and left leg forward. With this stretch you want to make sure you knee doesn't pass your toes. Drive the hip through (watch video) and switch legs.

3:33 #4 The groin stretch. So what you are going to do is keep your back flat, stick your butt out and squat down. When you are a point you feel comfortable and feel the stretch, put your hands together and use your elbows to push the knees out.

**The groin stretch is great for football and basketball players.

3:48 Pigeon stretch: Have one leg in front and one leg back as you lean forward. Switch legs and complete the same stretch.

4:32 Forward fold: Place feet straight out and together. Lean forward and focus pushing your stomach to your thighs.

5:28 Butterfly stretch: Place feet together and pull it close to the body. Then slowly lean forward placing your head towards your toes.

6:36 Child's pose: Lean towards the left, right and also lean towards the center for a complete back stretch.

7:08 Cobra pose: Place your self in push up position, and push up while keeping your lower body flat on the ground.

Alternate between the Child's Pose and the Cobra.

**Upper Body stretches

7:56 Hands behind the head: Pull the elbow towards the other side of the body for full stretch. Complete for both sides.

8:31 One arm over the front: Try placing the arm higher near the neck then at the lower chest area. This will allow you to get a complete overall stretch for the lat and shoulder. Do with both arms for the complete stretch.

9:08 Lat stretch: Grab on to a stable desk and lean forward with head between your arms while in a bent over standing position.

10:54 Chest and bicep stretch: Stand up with palm flat on the wall beside you. Lean your body forward for a full stretch. Complete for both sides.

12:00 Hamstring Stretch: Place both hands above you palms on the wall. Have one foot forward and one foot back. Lean forward as you stretch the leg behind you.

12:49 Hip flexor lunge: Go into a crescent lunge, and please the leg behind you further back for a hip flexor stretch.

14:32 Spinal twist: Lay on your back in an arms and legs out X position. Lift one leg over the other while keeping the upper body flat on the ground. Repeat this with both legs.

16:01 Leg over head stretch: Lay on your back, and while keeping your legs together lift and try to stretch the legs behind the head.

I hope these stretches serve you well.

And if you want 3 more tips for growing muscle FAST, check out this video now.


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Train Hard,


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Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

10 Post-Workout Stretches Everyone Should Do

10 Post-Workout Stretches Everyone Should Do

Despite our habits, we aren't doing our bodies any favors by skipping a post-workout stretching session.

There's skepticism within the medical field regarding whether or not stretching prevents injury, but it's generally agreed upon the practice is part of a bigger wellness picture that can help keep your body healthy.

According to the staff at Camelback Sports Therapy in Phoenix, Arizona, stretching increases flexibility, which helps prevent injury during and after physical activity. It also maintains and increases joint mobility and range of motion over time.

It's important to treat stretching as a gentle routine to counterbalance the high-impact or high-intensity of workouts. Camelback Sports Therapy has a full-body stretching routine it recommends to patients to help ease pain or tightness and recovery from any type of activity.

Note: Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and repeat two to three times on each side.

Original article and pictures take www.active.com site