четверг, 25 сентября 2008 г.

10 Amazing Stretches That Feel SO Good

10 Amazing Stretches That Feel SO Good
Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Everyone could use a nice, satisfying stretch every now and then. Here are 10 that will make you feel fantastic.

BuzzFeed Life spoke with personal trainer Mary Jane Detroyer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., who recommended these 10 easy stretches. She says they'll help reduce muscle soreness, lower your stress, and minimize your risk of injury, while improving athletic function and performance. Pretty great.

The best part: You can do these stretches anytime you need to, and pretty much anywhere. Just make sure that you ease into them slowly if you haven't already warmed up, so you don't hurt yourself. Also if any of this is painful, you either shouldn't stretch as deeply or you should stop doing the stretch altogether. Feeling stiff is normal, and some people will be more flexible than others. But you want this to feel good, not bad.

1. If you want to give your abs a stretch:

You should feel this one in both your upper and lower abdominals. This feels great after doing sit-ups or planks. Here's how to do it:1. Lie down and roll over onto your stomach with your forehead down on the ground.2. Bring your hands by your chest and your elbows by your ribs.3. Push your hips into the floor and slowly raise your head and your chest up away from the floor towards the ceiling. 4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

You should feel this one in both your upper and lower abdominals. This feels great after doing sit-ups or planks.

Here's how to do it:

1. Lie down and roll over onto your stomach with your forehead down on the ground.

2. Bring your hands by your chest and your elbows by your ribs.

3. Push your hips into the floor and slowly raise your head and your chest up away from the floor towards the ceiling.

4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

2. If you want to stretch those hip flexors:

You should feel this stretch on the front of your leg, up high where it meets your pelvic bone. This one will feel especially great if you sit at your desk all day. Here's how to do it:1. Standing, raise both hands straight up in the air in line with your shoulders.2. Take one foot and step back into a slight lunge, making sure your back heel is lifted up off the ground. 3. Lean up and back until you feel the stretch.4. Try to hold the position for up to 15 seconds. 5. Release and repeat with opposite leg.Don't • Lean back further than you can maintain balance or hold the position comfortably. This could lead to you possibly hurting yourself.

You should feel this stretch on the front of your leg, up high where it meets your pelvic bone. This one will feel especially great if you sit at your desk all day.

Here's how to do it:

1. Standing, raise both hands straight up in the air in line with your shoulders.

2. Take one foot and step back into a slight lunge, making sure your back heel is lifted up off the ground.

3. Lean up and back until you feel the stretch.

4. Try to hold the position for up to 15 seconds.

5. Release and repeat with opposite leg.


• Lean back further than you can maintain balance or hold the position comfortably. This could lead to you possibly hurting yourself.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

3. If you want to stretch your lower back:

You should feel this stretch in your lower back, especially by your tail bone. This stretch will feel great after doing squats, supermans, or deadlifts.Here's how to do it:1. Lie on your back and bring both knees into your chest.2. Grab both knees and pull them towards your head, lifting your hips and your lower back up off the ground.3. Hold for 15-30 seconds.Here's how to take it deeper: Depending on your flexibility, you can grab behind both knees to deepen the stretch.

You should feel this stretch in your lower back, especially by your tail bone. This stretch will feel great after doing squats, supermans, or deadlifts.

Here's how to do it:

1. Lie on your back and bring both knees into your chest.

2. Grab both knees and pull them towards your head, lifting your hips and your lower back up off the ground.

3. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Here's how to take it deeper:

Depending on your flexibility, you can grab behind both knees to deepen the stretch.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

4. If you want to stretch your upper back:

You should feel this stretch in your upper back, and especially in between your shoulder blades.Here's how to do it:1. Get down on to your hands and knees.2. Make sure your hip joints are over your knee joints and your shoulder joints are over your wrists.3. Roll through your spine from your tailbone up through to your head, arching your back like an

You should feel this stretch in your upper back, and especially in between your shoulder blades.

Here's how to do it:

1. Get down on to your hands and knees.

2. Make sure your hip joints are over your knee joints and your shoulder joints are over your wrists.

3. Roll through your spine from your tailbone up through to your head, arching your back like an "angry cat".

4. Hold for 15 seconds.

5. Then flatten your back returning to a neutral position.

6. Repeat.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

5. If you want to stretch out your biceps:

You should feel this stretch in your upper arms, between your inner elbow and your shoulder. This'll feel great after curls, and other moves that target the area.Here's how to do it:1. Standing tall, bring both hands behind your back and clasp your fingers together.2. Pull your shoulders down, and reach your hands up towards the ceiling behind you. 3. Lift your clasped hands away from your back and up until you feel the stretch. 4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.5. Release and repeat.Don't:• Move your shoulders up with your arms. • Turn your elbows out as you lift your arms.

You should feel this stretch in your upper arms, between your inner elbow and your shoulder. This'll feel great after curls, and other moves that target the area.

Here's how to do it:

1. Standing tall, bring both hands behind your back and clasp your fingers together.

2. Pull your shoulders down, and reach your hands up towards the ceiling behind you.

3. Lift your clasped hands away from your back and up until you feel the stretch.

4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

5. Release and repeat.


• Move your shoulders up with your arms.

• Turn your elbows out as you lift your arms.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

6. If you want to stretch out your triceps:

You should feel this stretch on the back of your arm in between your elbow and your shoulder. Excellent after doing dips, pushups, bench presses, and other moves that work your triceps.Here's how to do it:1. Stand and reach one arm straight up to the ceiling.2. Keep both shoulder blades down.3. Bend your hand down toward your shoulder blades so it's touching your upper back.4. Put your opposite hand on your bent elbow and pull it backwards until you feel the stretch.5. Hold for 15-30 seconds.6. Release and repeat with your opposite arm.

You should feel this stretch on the back of your arm in between your elbow and your shoulder. Excellent after doing dips, pushups, bench presses, and other moves that work your triceps.

Here's how to do it:

1. Stand and reach one arm straight up to the ceiling.

2. Keep both shoulder blades down.

3. Bend your hand down toward your shoulder blades so it's touching your upper back.

4. Put your opposite hand on your bent elbow and pull it backwards until you feel the stretch.

5. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

6. Release and repeat with your opposite arm.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

7. If you want to stretch your glutes:

You should feel this stretch in your butt and lower back. This feels great after doing squats, kettlebell swings, and leg lifts. Here's how to do it:1. Lie down and bend one of your legs, so that your foot is on the floor.2. Take your opposite leg and cross that ankle over the knee of the leg that's bent. 3. Grab the back of your bent leg and pull it towards your chest until you feel the stretch.4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.5. Release and repeat with the opposite leg.

You should feel this stretch in your butt and lower back. This feels great after doing squats, kettlebell swings, and leg lifts.

Here's how to do it:

1. Lie down and bend one of your legs, so that your foot is on the floor.

2. Take your opposite leg and cross that ankle over the knee of the leg that's bent.

3. Grab the back of your bent leg and pull it towards your chest until you feel the stretch.

4. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

5. Release and repeat with the opposite leg.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

8. If you want to get your groin and inner thighs:

You should feel this stretch in your groin (obviously) and at the top of your inner legs. This feels great after doing side lunges, clamshells, and squats. Here's how to do it:1. Sit down and extend legs into a 'V'.2. Make sure you're sitting up tall and your back is straight.3. Slowly reach forward bringing your chest to the floor until you feel the stretch.4. Keep your back straight and shoulder blades down.5. Hold for 15-30 seconds.6. Release and repeat.Here's how to take it deeper: Spread your legs farther apart in the 'V' if you can't feel the stretch in your inner thigh. That just means you're flexible.

You should feel this stretch in your groin (obviously) and at the top of your inner legs. This feels great after doing side lunges, clamshells, and squats.

Here's how to do it:

1. Sit down and extend legs into a 'V'.

2. Make sure you're sitting up tall and your back is straight.

3. Slowly reach forward bringing your chest to the floor until you feel the stretch.

4. Keep your back straight and shoulder blades down.

5. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

6. Release and repeat.

Here's how to take it deeper:

Spread your legs farther apart in the 'V' if you can't feel the stretch in your inner thigh. That just means you're flexible.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

9. If you want to stretch your hamstrings:

You should feel this stretch in the muscles down the back of your legs, both above and below the knee. This feels great after going on a run or doing deadlifts, leg presses, and lying leg curls.Here's how to do it:1. Lie on your back and lift one leg up in the air. 2. Wrap both hands around the back of that leg and slowly pull it towards your head until you feel the stretch. Keep your knee locked.3. Hold for 15-30 seconds.4. Release and repeat with the opposite leg.Another thing: • Make sure the leg you're not stretching is extended straight on the ground with your foot pointing up towards the ceiling.

You should feel this stretch in the muscles down the back of your legs, both above and below the knee. This feels great after going on a run or doing deadlifts, leg presses, and lying leg curls.

Here's how to do it:

1. Lie on your back and lift one leg up in the air.

2. Wrap both hands around the back of that leg and slowly pull it towards your head until you feel the stretch. Keep your knee locked.

3. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

4. Release and repeat with the opposite leg.

Another thing:

• Make sure the leg you're not stretching is extended straight on the ground with your foot pointing up towards the ceiling.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

10. If you want to stretch your quads:

You should feel the stretch in the muscles in the front of your legs from your hips to your knees. This feels great after doing a stair workout or leg presses and lunges. Here's how to do it:1. Stand tall with your feet no wider than hip-width apart. 2. Reach down and grab your ankle.3. Balance on one leg, bringing the opposite leg (the leg of the ankle you're holding) back and up.4. Pull your heel towards your butt. 5. Hold for 15-30 seconds. 5. Release and repeat with the opposite leg. Another thing:• Hold onto a stable surface for balance, if needed.

You should feel the stretch in the muscles in the front of your legs from your hips to your knees. This feels great after doing a stair workout or leg presses and lunges.

Here's how to do it:

1. Stand tall with your feet no wider than hip-width apart.

2. Reach down and grab your ankle.

3. Balance on one leg, bringing the opposite leg (the leg of the ankle you're holding) back and up.

4. Pull your heel towards your butt.

5. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

5. Release and repeat with the opposite leg.

Another thing:

• Hold onto a stable surface for balance, if needed.

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed Life

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Siblings, you gotta love 'em! Here's another thing you'll love: saving money by switching to GEICO. Click here to get a quote today.

Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site

вторник, 16 сентября 2008 г.

10 Amazing 5-Minute Workouts To Tone Your Abs, Inner Thighs, Butt and Arms

10 Amazing 5-Minute Workouts To Tone Your Abs, Inner Thighs, Butt and Arms

Try these ten 5-minute at home workouts to tone your abs, arms, thighs, and butt! This list with printable workouts is all you need! Almost no equipment/ time involved.

Want to get fit, but don’t have ANY time to go to the gym? Here’s your solution: do every day a 5 minute at home workout to tone your abs, arms, thighs and butt! That’s it. You do a workout daily, focusing on a different muscle group every time. For example if one day you do arm exercises, the other day you do butt exercises, allowing time for your muscles to grow, while training other muscles. If you have more time, combine these workouts to train your entire body in approximately 20 minutes a day.

This post contains affiliate links.

I did some more research on short printable workouts and this time I’ve got the best toning workouts for you here! Each workout is just 5 minutes and focuses on a different area of your body. So if you don’t have any time, but want to squeeze in a short workout before dinner or even before going out of your house in the morning (basically whenever you’ve got time) – these workouts here will help you do that.


There are different options with these workouts:

Option 1: You do one workout daily, focusing on a different muscle group every time. For example, if one day you do arm exercises, the other day you do butt exercises, allowing time for your muscles to grow while training other muscles.

Option 2: If you have more time, combine workouts targeting different muscle groups to train your entire body in approximately 20 minutes a day.

Option 3: Or if you have 9-12 minutes combine one of these strength workouts with a fat-burning workout from my other list of short workouts.

Either way – there are no excuses to not do a workout every day, even if it’s just 5 minutes. It will not just tone you up, it will also give you a sense of accomplishment. That’s what it does for me at least. If I don’t do any workout I not only feel more lethargic, yet kinda passive aggressive, I also feel super guilty. Because I am a woman and I need to do it all, you know? But let’s not dig deep into that mess and just go straight to the workouts!

The only equipment you’ll need here:

A great exercise mat.

Now, let’s get to the 5-Minute Ab Workouts

I don’t think it would be a lie if I just claim that a flat belly is on every woman’s (or really every person’s) wish list.

4-Minute Tabata Workout By Kayla Itsines

Looking for a flat tummy workout? Try these abs workouts for toned and flat belly! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

Okay, this workout doesn’t even take 5 min. If you haven’t heard of Kayla Itsines and her workouts – you must be living under a rock. I feel like I’ve been living under a rock myself because I only heard of her about a year ago. Well if you look at the transformations and testimonials on her Instagram profile – you’ll be very inspired to do this Tabata Ab Blast Workout by Kayla Itsines. This is a Tabata workout – making sure you burn fat, while simultaneously strengthening your abs and core. Great for a flat tummy. If you’re feeling motivated – repeat the circle for a great 8-minute ab workout.

5-Minute Plank Workout

Looking for a flat tummy workout? Try these abs workouts for toned and flat belly! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

This 5-minute plank workout by Eat Fit Fuel will tone your abs, chest, and core without almost any movement! 5 minutes, no movement and toned abs? Seems like a great deal to me.

5-Minute Ab Workout by Popsugar Fitness

Looking for a flat tummy workout? Try these abs workouts for toned and flat belly! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

This 5-minute Abs Workout for busy mornings by Popsugar Fitness starts with some mountain climbers to bring your hear rate up and then tones your entire core! A strong core is super important to stabilize your spine (your entire body, really) and helps you maintain a good posture! For full instructions visit this link.

5-Minute Pilates Abs

Looking for a flat tummy workout? Try these abs workouts for toned and flat belly! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

Pilates is a great way to get toned and strong without any weights. It allows you to train deep muscles, you simply don’t exercise with regular training. This Pilates Workout by The Soccer Mom Blog will help you strengthen and tone your abdominals, especially the lower abs! If you have more time to try out pilates – take a look at my 8 favorite youtube pilates workouts to tone your abs, butt and inner thighs while simply lying on your mat.

5-Minute Arm Workouts

Strong and toned arms not only look better when you wave at someone – they also help you perform your everyday tasks better. Whether it be carrying your groceries, your child or lifting something heavy – you need some arm strength. And don’t worry, these arm workouts won’t make your arms look like The Hulk’s.

5-Minute Routine For Strong, Slim Arms

Want to tone your arms? Try these arm workouts or toned, strong and beautiful arms. These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

To get strong and slim arms, try this 5-Minute Yoga Routine by Health. A great arm workout without any dumbbells? Sounds pretty awesome.

5-Minute Arm Toning Workout

Want to tone your arms? Try these arm workouts or toned, strong and beautiful arms. These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

A great 5-Minute Arm Workout by Popsugar Fitness. This workout will also strengthen your core and your neck and shoulder muscles (super important if you have a desk job and sit in front of the computer all the time). There’s also a video and the trainer does some additional exercises that are not featured here, so make sure you check out the complete workout with instructions here.

Legs and Butt Workouts

Summer is almost here and toned legs & butt are always in. The following workouts will help you get lean legs, without making them bigger. Which I don’t know about you, but is one of my biggest problems with most leg workouts. Once I start running or doing too many squats, instead of getting slimmer legs, I get bulkier legs. And my legs are not that long. So short and thick legs? Well. Not my dream. It might be someone’s goal, but not mine. I prefer toned, yet slim legs. If this is your goal as well – try these workouts.

5-Minute Workouts For Toned Legs & Inner Thighs

Looking for a great leg and inner thigh workout? Try these workouts for toned and lean legs! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

This 5 minute to leaner legs workout by Get Healthy U will help you tone your inner thighs and your butt by doing some plié squats (targeting inner thighs), single leg bridges and fire hydrants (target the butt)! Make sure you check out the instructions – you’ll also get a 5-minute cardio workout to burn some fat.

Lazy Girl’s Inner-Thigh Workout

Looking for a great leg and inner thigh workout? Try these workouts for toned and lean legs! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

This Inner Thigh Workout by Popsugar Fitness comes along with a video and you don’t even need to stand up! Which means, YES, our dreams are coming true: we can basically tone our inner thighs while still laying in bed. Lazy or not – this is an absolutely amazing workout for your inner thighs.

5-Minute Booty Barre Workout

Looking for a great booty workout? Try these workouts for a firm booty! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

Did you know that there are other ways to tone your booty besides squats? Not that there’s anything wrong with squats, but this 5 minute barre workout by The Live Fit Girls will help you tone different muscles as well.

5-Minute Butt Firming Workout

Looking for a great booty workout? Try these workouts for a firm booty! These quick workouts take 5 minutes of your time and you can do them daily, whenever you have the time. This amazing list includes 5-minute ab workouts for flat belly, 5-minute butt workouts, 5-minute leg workouts and inner thigh workouts and 5-minute arm workouts. Most of these exercises require almost no equipment. Some of them - just a pair of dumbbells and you can do them at home or anywhere you want. Have fun!

Last but not least – a great 5-Minute Butt Firming Workout by Skinny Ms – no standing up required. Check out this link for full instructions!

Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

четверг, 4 сентября 2008 г.

1 Minute Shoulder Stretches

1 Minute Shoulder Stretches

The stresses of your everyday activities can put a lot of strain on our shoulders making them stiff and sore. Here are some excellent stretches to loosen them.

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site