понедельник, 30 ноября 2009 г.

5 Chest Stretches If You Sit Down All Day

5 Chest Stretches If You Sit Down All Day

Looking for chest stretches to relieve tight muscles from sitting down all day!? If you are a desk sitter, it’s likely you have tight chest muscles. Try out a few of these stretches and start feeling great in no time! Check out the workout and all the details in the latest installment of this month’s Inspired To Be Fit.

Looking for chest stretches to relieve tight muscles from sitting down all day!? If you are a desk sitter, it’s likely you have tight chest muscles.

5 Chest Stretches If You Sit Down All Day

Hi Ya’ll! Happy Monday!

Welcome to another month of Inspired To Be Fit ! This month, Jill and I are focusing on UPPER BODY Workouts, exercises and the like. Last week, I shared one of the first burpee focused workouts in what feels like forever! Did anyone try it? I completely forgot to include the video last week, but it’s up now, so be sure to check it out!

Today, I’m sharing chest stretches for those of us that sit down for a majority of the day. That now includes me. I’ll give you a sneak peek into the past 2 weeks on Friday, but I will say, of anything, sitting down all day has been a big change!

[bctt tweet=”Sit down all day?! Try these chest stretches! #fitfluential @fitfluential” username=”burpees4bfast”]

If you sit down for a majority of the day, at a computer, you likely experience tight chest muscles. Even after my ergonomic assessment last week, my chest muscles are still in need of some stretching! We know that with most muscle imbalances, we want to stretch the tight/overactive muscles and strengthen the weak. For this workout, I’m going over 5 different chest stretches you can do on the reg. Next week, I’ll be sharing a sweet back workout, to strengthen our often weak back muscles!


  • Interval Timer (I don’t go anywhere without my MiniMax)
  • Resistance Band
  • Mat


Complete RX reps or time for each of the chest stretches below. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

Looking for chest stretches to relieve tight muscles from sitting down all day!? If you are a desk sitter, it’s likely you have tight chest muscles.


  • RESISTANCE BAND PULL OVER & DOWN: Stand upright with shoulders back and down, pelvis slightly tucked and resistance band in hand. Lift arms and move band from in front of you, to overhead and pull down, engaging the lats. Bring elbows down (think V) and band should touch the top of your back.
  • RESISTANCE BAND 180 PULL OVER: Stand upright with shoulders back and down, pelvis slightly tucked and resistance band in hand. Lift arms and move band from in front of you, all the way to behind your back. Squeeze shoulder blades together as you bring the band back up and over, to start position.
  • LOCUST: Check out tutorial here.
  • COBRA: Check out tutorial here.
  • UPWARD FACING DOG: Check out tutorial here.

[bctt tweet=”Can’t wait to try out these Chest Stretches! #sweatpink @fitapproach” username=”burpees4bfast”]

Don’t forget to add your fitness related posts to the link-up below! While we know nutrition plays a huge role in fitness and overall healthy living, Jill and I would like ITBF to focus totally on the fitness aspect of healthy living. We’d like this to be a go-to resource for workouts and fitness information, motivation and support. If you have a delicious recipe to share (and we know many of you do), come back on Friday and link-up with Living a Life of Fitness Health & Happiness.


[bctt tweet=”Join the party! Add your fitness posts to Inspired To Be Fit Link-up! @jillconyers @fitapproach” username=”burpees4bfast”]

Linking up for Wild Workout Wednesday!

Don’t forget to check out Jill’s workout!

Did you have a good weekend?! Friday was a sunny day and I hit my 12,000 step goal for the first time in so long! The Hubs met me after work and we went out for sushi (it wasn’t our favorite) and got cookies on the way home. Sometimes you just need cookies. Saturday, I slept in a bit, went on a long walk, checked out a few blogs and went to get coffee with the Hubs. It was glorious and slow and relaxing. I hoped to find a few new outfits at Target, but alas, I left with 2 cardigans. Whoomp whoomp. I’m hoping Stitch Fix can give me some good options (affiliate!)!

Sunday, I helped with set up at church. Did a little more shopping for a pair of flats (why are they so hard to find!?) and got our groceries. No SHOES! I did however, find a pair of skinny jeans! The manner of women decided to come, so the majority of the afternoon was spent in bed either whining about how bad my cramps hurt or lying in the fetal position, taking nice, deep breathes…oh, such fun.

Anyway, another Monday is here! Looking forward to the week! Next week, we are talking back workouts, but keep in mind, you can leave your questions below and I’ll answer them in a future post!

So, tell me:

Do you sit at a desk all day?! Tight chest muscles.
What did you do this weekend?!



[inlinkz_linkup id=631979 mode=1]

Original article and pictures take www.burpeesforbreakfast.com site

вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.

5 Best Post-Workout Stretches

5 Best Post-Workout Stretches
Beyond Barre-7

We hear over and over that it’s important to stretch after a workout but do you know why? Fitness expert Andrea Metcalf says that when we work out, our muscles contract and tighten, and stretching helps to restore them to their normal position and reduce stress put on our joints. Stretching also helps to increase blood flow and reduce post-workout swelling. Try these 5 stretches suggested by Andrea after your next sweat session.

Side Stretch with Foot Cross

Try this stretch to help stretch out your obliques and all along your side body. To begin, step one foot behind the other. Lean to the side with one arm extended overhead and the other sliding down your stationary leg.


Chest Stretch

This chest stretch is great after strength training, or after spending a day at your desk! For this stretch, hold your arms wide to a “T” position and place your palms on the doorway as your lean your chest forward until you feel a stretch.

Active Calf Stretch

Active stretches are great to help lengthen your muscles without putting too much stress on them, and can also be used to help prep your body for a workout. To perform the active calf stretch, walk on your tiptoes, taking 20 walking steps with your toes lifted.


Leg Swings

Legs swings help to loosen the glutes and hamstrings while opening up your hip. For this stretch, stand on one leg, swinging your raised leg back and forth and side to side, 5 times on each leg. Hold on to a wall for support as necessary, and work on building up to balancing.

Hip Lunge Stretch

Stand in split stance like a lunge, but keep your back knee slightly bent as you draw your belly button in and tuck your pelvis under, squeezing your glutes for a deeper stretch.

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Original article and pictures take blog.booyafitness.com site

вторник, 10 ноября 2009 г.

5 Best Post Workout Stretches

5 Best Post Workout Stretches
5 Best Post Workout Stretches

If there is one thing that always gets forgotten as part of a good workout routine, it is definitely stretching! So many people underestimate the importance of stretching and how it can help to heal your muscles and improve flexibility. Think about it this way: when you are training, your muscles are constantly contracting and lengthening. Over time, the ongoing use as well as poor posture can cause these muscles and their surrounding tissue to become shorter and tighter.

I always stretch and foam roll after each workout, I have found this really helps improve my flexibility and aid in muscle recovery so I can put in 100% effort to all my workouts.

My top 5 stretches to perform post workout are:

1. Calves and Hamstrings

While seated on a yoga mat, extend both legs out in front of you.

Lift up and turn out your left leg so that your foot is resting against the inside of your right leg as shown.

Reach for your right foot with your right hand (or the action of), ensuring that you are bending from the hip. If you can reach your toe, gently pull it back towards you.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Repeat on your left side.

2. Hip Flexors

Begin in a kneeling position on a yoga mat.

Release your right leg and take one large step forwards so that you are in a lunge position as shown. Ensure that your front knee is not further forward than your toe. If it is, then you will need to take a bigger step forward.

Keeping your torso upright, push your hips forwards so that you feel a stretch along the front of your back leg.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Repeat with your left leg forward.

3. Abs

Start by lying flat on your stomach on a yoga mat. Bring your arms in and place your hands flat on the floor on either side of your chest.

Slowly extend your arms to bring your chest off of the floor. Ensure that your keep your shoulders down.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

4. Glutes

Plant both feet on the floor shoulder width apart.

Release your right leg and turn it out so that your ankle is resting just above your left knee.

Bend your left knee so that you are in single leg squat and gently push down on your right knee using your right elbow as shown.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Tip: If you are struggling to balance, try to focus on a spot directly in front of you.

Repeat with your left leg.

5. Chest


Plant both feet on the floor shoulder width apart with arms by your sides.

Reposition your hands behind your body and interlock your fingers.

Gently pull your hands away from your body. This should cause your shoulders to retract (squeeze together) and open up your chest.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Remember to stretch after each workout!

Love, Kayla xx

* Results may vary. Strict adherence to the nutrition and exercise guide are required for best results.

Original article and pictures take cdn.shopify.com site