5 Hacks For A Healthier Week — Dec 27 2015 Photographed by Jens Ingvarsson.
Try any of these six remedies for aches and soreness the next time your workout puts you through the ringer. We're a big fan of number five (thanks, coffee).
Maybe you're feeling those post-exercise pains more than usual because you've missed a few trips to the gym. Self recommends switching to one of these workouts if you're just getting back into regular exercise.
Now that the solstice has passed, the days are going to get a bit longer (and lighter). But, if you're still struggling to wake up when it's not totally bright out, check out these energizing tricks to stay revved up all winter.
Regardless of daylight hours, the cold will probably stick around for many more months. Luckily, Prevention has your go-to guide to tea blends and their health benefits, for when you need yet another warm beverage.
Finally, these healthy recipes only take 10 — yes, 10 — minutes to make. That brings a whole new meaning to "fast food," right?
Original article and pictures take s3.r29static.com site
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5 Easy Exercises for Killer Abs (Women) (Home Based)
Lately we are getting a lot of emails from women who are interested in abdominal (ab) exercises.
Workouts that are home based and easy to do.
We will be honest with you, achieving a lean midsection is not an easy task.
However, it is doable when combination of exercises are used.
Standard sit-ups are great, but not enough.
For a visible abdominal muscles that you see on fitness models, requires a group of ab workouts.
In this post we will take at 5 Easy Exercises for Killer Abs that are home based.
Important Ab Exercises
To achieve killer abs it’s important to tone all four muscle groups.
This could be achieved with a range of stabilization exercises that we are about to cover.
Training these core muscles will:
1. Stabilize your spine.
2. Improve your posture
3. Reduce or avoid back pain.
Stabilization abdominal exercises are something that not many people know about, however they are very important, since they target the core work more muscles, which in result burn more calories.
So here they are:
#5 – Side Plank
Workout Instructions:
1. First, lay on your left side. Then direct your elbow below your shoulder. Your forearm should be placed perpendicular to your body.
2. Place your feet one in front of the other.
3. Contract your abs and lift your hips off the floor until your body makes a diagonal line from your shoulder to your feet.
4. Try and hold this position for at least of 30 to 45 seconds.
5. Now simply repeat by switching the sides.
#4 – Reverse Crunch
Workout Instructions:
1. Get into a seated position with your knees bent. Knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle (feet flat).
2. Reach your both arms forward while palms facing each other.
3. Exhale one time while pulling your belly button toward your spine.
4. Get into the position on your tailbone into a C shape.
5. When you are done, you can inhale and return to the starting position. Repeat this ab exercise 15-20 reps.
#3 – Plank Crawl Out
Workout Instructions:
1. Start with a ‘standing tall with your feet’ position. Make sure your core is engaged.
2. Try to touch the floor while your hips are bended. When floors are reached, walk your hands out until you reach a push up position.
3. Go back to the starting position while inching your hands backwards and piking your hips up to the ceiling. When your feet are flat on the floor, bend at the hips again and lift yourself back up to the standing position.
#2 – Boat Pose
Workout Instructions:
1. Sit upright, bent your knees and put your feet flat on the floor.
2. Lift your legs while leaned back.
3. Form a V shape by extending your arms out straight, palms up.
4. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds. Then repeat again.
#1 – Alligator Drag
Workout Instructions:
For this exercise, you’ll need need something to put on the floor. This can be a towel, a plastic bag or Frisbee.
1. Start with your feet on the towel, bag, or Frisbee in a plank position.
2. Walk upwards dragging your lower body when using your hands. Crawl like this for 15 to 25 yards.
3. Keep your core tight as you move forward.
4. Rest for a 60-120 seconds, then in the same position *alligator* go back to where you have started.
5. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times.
Original article and pictures take www.fitnessssss.com site