среда, 21 июля 2010 г.

7 Easy Best Yoga Poses for Beginners and Back Stretches at Home

7 Easy Best Yoga Poses for Beginners and Back Stretches at Home

Yoga is the best workout you can start performing because it provides amazing results. It is easy to do and can be done in the comfort of your home as a beginner.

Although it may seem mild, yoga can help you reach a better body fitness and reduce body weight, if you are consistent with your yoga practice. It will also promote relaxation, stress reduction, and will improve the processes of your organism, for a better state of health.

You simply have no reason not to start practicing yoga today. If going to the gym or performing other types of physical activities do not seem to be too attractive in your case. If you never practiced yoga before, it would be recommended to start with some easy yoga poses for beginners first. So you’ll get used to it.

The following 7 basic simple yoga poses will help you get started and can be performed at home whenever you have some spare time.

7 Easy Best Yoga Poses for Beginners and Back Stretches at Home

7 Easy Best Yoga Poses for Beginners At Home

1. The Cat and Cow Pose

The Cat and Cow Pose

This is a basic yoga position that is also used for stretching your back and relieving back pain, especially in the case of people that spend a lot of hours sitting down at a desk. It is one of the easy yoga poses for beginners that will improve your mobility and get rid of tension in your back and middle section.

How To :

  • To perform it, put your hands and knees on the floor, keeping your back in a relaxed position.
  • Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, curve your spine outwards, toward the ceiling, while tucking your chin in your chest.
  • Inhale again and when exhaling, arch your back in the opposite direction, by gently raising your head and looking upward.

2. The Downward Facing Dog

This a simple yoga pose should be performed after the Cat Pose because the previous pose gets the body ready for this particular pose. And this is one of the best daily yoga for beginners.The yoga pose will help you stretch almost your entire body, also allowing you to relax.

How To:

  • Start by standing on your hands and knees, with the fingers of your palms facing forward and the palms positioned just past your shoulder line.
  • Now raise your bottom until your body forms a V shape, making sure your legs and arms are stretched.
  • The feet should be positioned hip-wide and, while supporting your body with your hands, move your chest toward your legs.

3.The Mountain Pose

While it is one of the easy yoga poses for beginners, the Mountain Pose is also considered one of the most basic poses in yoga, so you must learn how to perform it. It will help you learn how to balance your body, aligning it right, while also raising awareness of your entire being.

How To:

  • Stand up straight, having your feet together and your arms hanging next to your body.
  • Make sure your feet stand solidly on the ground because they will take your entire body weight.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight, using a wall at first to make sure you’re doing it right.
  • Your ankles, hips, shoulders, and ears should be all aligned.
  • You can keep your hands around your body or raise them above your head, pushing your shoulder blades against each other, while keeping the palms inward, toward each other.

4. The Child Pose

With the help of this yoga pose, you will manage to relax, finding your moment of peace. Consider this one of the easy yoga poses for beginners made to offer you a break because it helps with relaxing your nervous system.

How To:

  • Start by kneeling, tucking your toes under your bottom. If your knees are giving you a hard time, get into the position gently.
  • Then bend your body forward, reaching your arms in front of you, and lowering your head until your forehead meets the yoga mat.
  • Your palms should lay flat on the ground and your chest should rest comfortably on your thighs.

5. The Warrior I Pose

This position will help tone the muscles of your legs while helping you stretch your arms and legs. It will also help you increase focus and balance. Start it by getting into the Mountain Pose.

How To:

  • Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, put your left leg back so that you end up in a lunge position.
  • The right knee should be above your right ankle.
  • Put your arms up and make sure they align with your ears.
  • Your left foot should be positioned at a 90-degree angle so that your left ankle is perpendicular to your right ankle.
  • Your chest and shoulders should be expanded back and hips kept square as you continue breathing throughout this pose.

Read Next: Top 8 Yoga Poses You Should Start Doing Today

6. The Warrior II Pose

This is another one of the easy yoga poses for beginners, part of the Warrior yoga pose group. It is very similar to the first Warrior pose. Although this time your body is positioned on the side, not forward.

This will work your hip flexor muscles, improving your flexibility.

How To:

  • Start this in the same manner, by taking the Mountain Pose.
  • Take one foot back and make sure it is perpendicular to the foot up front.
  • Raise your arms until they are in the same line with your shoulders, keeping them parallel to the ground.
  • Bend the knee of your front foot until it lies above the ankle, and move your head toward your front stretched arm, looking in that direction.

7. The Sukhasna Pose

This is a pose ideal for meditation, helping you get centered and relaxed as well.

How To:

  • Sit down on the yoga mat and cross your legs, tugging your left leg under the right thigh and the right leg under your left thigh.
  • Your spine should stay straight and your hands positioned on your knees.
  • Now gently relax and start breathing in a calm manner.

Yoga is a great way to exercise, tone, and stretch your body, while also reducing tension and stress. So often induced by a busy lifestyle. You can perform yoga at home, on the beach, in a meadow, anywhere you feel like it and anywhere you want, without having to attend yoga classes all the time.

So, are you ready to make a positive change in your life? Then start by performing these easy yoga workout that was specially picked for beginners.

It is your health and well-being at stake, so don’t postpone it any longer. Make yoga a constant presence in your life today and you will immediately feel better and look better if you remain consistent.

Original article and pictures take www.blackdiamondbuzz.com site

понедельник, 12 июля 2010 г.

6 Ways to Boost Post-Workout Recovery

6 Ways to Boost Post-Workout Recovery

Stay active by recovering right. These 6 ways to boost post-workout recovery will help you recover faster, so you can get back at it sooner.

6 Ways to Boost Post-Workout Recovery | Wild Workout Wednesday | Sponsored | Fitness | Workout Tips | Fitness Tips | Healthy Living Tips | Recover Faster

This post is sponsored by NOW Foods.

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Jen from Pretty Little Grub, and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

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Whether you just rocked a solid strength training sesh, went HAM on your HIIT workout or just ran all the miles, one thing remains the same: you have to give your body time to recover. Depending on the intensity of the workout, that could mean a few hours. It could mean a few days, but it doesn’t just mean laying on the couch. Adhere to these 6 ways to boost post-workout recovery and you’ll be feeling refreshed and ready to take on another workout before you know it.

6 Ways to Boost Post-Workout Recovery | Wild Workout Wednesday | Sponsored | Fitness | Workout Tips | Fitness Tips | Healthy Living Tips | Recover Faster

1. Eat Up

Your body needs to refuel after working hard. Something with 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein will give your muscles just what they crave. In need of some inspiration? Check out these 25 things to eat post-workout!

2. Supplement with BCAAs

BCAAs (or Branched Chain Amino Acids) are used as fuel during exercise, so replacing them post-workout is key.* Certain amino acids can’t be made by the human body, so supplementing with them is a great way to boost recovery.* They help promote the normal repair process that takes place after exertion and (bonus!) play an important role in the maintenance of proper immune system function.* I’m currently using NOW Sports BCAA Big 6 Natural Watermelon Powder, which features BCAAs for workout recovery*, betaine to help maintain fluid balance during exercise* and taurine, which can further support endurance*. I take it after my workouts, but you can take it before or during–whatever works for you!

6 Ways to Boost Post-Workout Recovery | Wild Workout Wednesday | Sponsored | Fitness | Workout Tips | Fitness Tips | Healthy Living Tips | Recover Faster | NOW Sports

3. Supplement with ZMA

I take two NOW Sports ZMA Capsules each night before bed, and I swear by them. This is straight from NOW’s website: “ZMA® is a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B-6 designed to maximize absorption and to promote recovery from exercise.* Zinc plays a central role in the regulation of cellular growth and tissue repair, as well as the maintenance of a healthy immune system.* Magnesium is essential for the maintenance of electrolyte balance, energy production and normal neuromuscular function.* Because physical activity can increase the need for these two minerals, ZMA® is the ideal supplement to aid in their replenishment.*”

4. Foam Roll

Admittedly, I haven’t been the best at foam rolling lately, but when I am consistent with my rolling, I notice a huge difference in my recovery time. Foam rolling helps decrease muscle tension, and keeping at it consistently can also reduce risk of injury.

5. Hydrate

Hydration is important for life in general, but it’s especially important if you’ve been working hard and pushing your body. Your muscles, brain and basically everything in that strong body of yours needs water, and the more you sweat out, the more water you need to put back in.

6. Keep moving

Like I mentioned above, recovery doesn’t mean plopping down on the couch. Staying still after a tough workout won’t do your muscles any good. While you shouldn’t be exerting a ton of energy after lifting all the things or running all the miles, you do want to keep moving. Keep standing up and walking throughout the day. Foam roll. Stay active to keep your muscles loosey goosey.

Share your workouts and recovery tips in this week’s Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up (full rules here).

Let’s Chat:

What are your best recovery tips?

This post contains affiliate links.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Original article and pictures take fitfulfocus.com site

пятница, 9 июля 2010 г.

6 Tips to Optimize the 30-Day Shred Workout's Benefits

6 Tips to Optimize the 30-Day Shred Workout's Benefits

How do you actually make Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout slim you down? How do you avoid becoming frustrated at the end with zero results and not conclude that this is just-another-exercise-vid? Here are some of the best tips to maximize this exercise program:

Technically, the metal fat caliper is the most objective tool that can tell us if the exercise program worked for us, but since tape measures and weighing scales are the most available tools around the house (and cheaper, too! metal fat calipers can cost you no less than P10k and plastic ones are around P1,500), these two are already good enough.

30-Day Shred Workout Base Measurement (arm) noting the exact part where I initially measured upper arm circumference (red marker to crease of inner elbow area)

Measure around the biggest part of your upper arms & thighs, the waist (narrowest part of your torso), and the belly area. Make sure you note the exact part where you initially measured (arms and thighs only) so that all future readings are taken most likely on the same areas too.

30-Day Shred Workout Base Measurement (thigh) red marker to base of patella (upper area of kneecap)

THR is target heart rate. Do you ever compute for this? The target heart rate is essential in determining if an exercise protocol is truly effective in improving your cardiovascular system. Every after exercise, you have to check your pulse rate (beats per minute) if it reaches the THR. To compute, you have to note down your Resting Heart Rate (RHR: pulse count in one FULL minute, at rest) and Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax: 220-age).

(i.e., I do 80% of my THR: 80%(190-70)+70). I should end up with a heart rate reading of 166 beats per minute to consider an exercise effective in improving my heart and lungs)

The proper percentage to use will be discussed in tip number 5.

So when is the best time to exercise, really? You can do the 30-Day Shred Workout any time during the day that you are most available and willing to work out. Some are morning persons, feeling that they are able to comply more with exercise if they do it first thing during the day, and some are afternoon buffs, feeling more able to exercise after office or school work.

When is the best time to exercise?

Since there is no reliable and sufficient literature that has proven that the time of the day can affect the body's efficiency in burning calories, it doesn't matter if you do it in the AM or PM; what matters is that you do the routine and you stick to it.

One of the biggest mistakes I did was to start the program, out of sheer excitement, without screening the video first. It is best to practice the exercises involved on the pertinent level (3 Levels, 10 days for each level) you will be doing before starting the workout session.

Screening the 30-Day Shred Workout will help you prevent exercise injuries. Set a time to learn and practice each movement so that when you start your session, you are able to move right without worrying about being able to cope with the trainer's pacing. In this light, you will be able to say that you did Day 1 of each level properly and did not merely spend it on learning how to properly position yourself.

At the start of the video, Jillian tells you to do dynamic stretching to open up the muscles. Doing this solely prior to working out was the second biggest mistake I did. I ended up with severely sore muscles the next day that I had to skip the training for several days.

I emphasize that you properly stretch the following muscle groups: triceps, biceps, pectorals/chest muscles, quads/front thigh muscles, hams/back thigh muscles, and the gastrocs/calves. I contracted a terrible case of DOMS for these muscle groups.

Static Stretching Guide (but should not be limited to these muscle groups)

Properly stretching these muscles means that you have to hold (don't bounce) the stretched position for at least 30 sec, 3 reps each side. Doing static stretching prior to the 30-Day Shred Workout will give you more benefits by letting you exercise consistently and prevent injuries worse than DOMS (think: pulled muscles, sprains, fracture).

Frequency: Jillian suggests that the routine be done 6x/day. This is crazy unless you are on the obese state. Three to four times a week is ideal.

Duration: 40 mins. 10 minutes for static stretching and 30 mins for the 30-Day Shred Workout routine

Intensity: THR: 65% of HRmax (beginners), 70-90% of HRmax (exercising individuals); if you do not achieve your target heart rate, you can repeat doing the entire level (so that's 1 hour of the routine!)

Mode: Interval training + Resistance exercise (this is actually the best way to gain a metabolic boost to bust the fat in the fastest possible time)

More Tips: poundage of weights: I use 2lbs and will progress accordingly; sedentary individuals can start with 1lb

rest periods during the workout: NONE. Jillian is a strict trainer and I love her for that!

On DOMS: Do not push yourself to do the 30-Day Shred Workout while your muscles are aching. You will barely gain any benefit from that painful session (due to limited movement) and you are prone to aggravating your muscle pain. Ice the aching area/s for 10-15mins to impede muscle inflammation and allow faster healing.

No better way to achieve this than to tandem the workout with a balanced diet. Never resort to starvation as you will only deplete yourself substantial energy you need, leaving the body with zero taste to even lift the butt off the couch. Not good.

Most dieters connote dieting to eating seldom and they end up losing all the muscles, retaining all the fat. That's just the saddest thing on earth!

Eat right. Carbs are necessary to keep you energized all throughout the day and especially during training; get your energy from unrefined carbs such as fruits, nuts, whole wheat products, and vegetables. Avoid the bad carbs (refined carbohydrates) because they are the ones that contribute hugely in building the unnecessary fat in the body.

Photo Source

This is such a long post on the 30-Day Shred Workout (for those asking for the video download info, you can contact me.). I have tons of insights that I just couldn't contain and I had to discuss them within these 6 points. I hope you learned a thing or two from the eye-strain and I'm more eager that you start committing to a healthier lifestyle today.

Original article and pictures take herroyalbleakness.blogspot.com site