пятница, 22 октября 2010 г.

7 Ways to Relieve Post-Workout Pain

7 Ways to Relieve Post-Workout Pain
Post-Workout Pain
Photo: Pond5

Think twice before dashing out of a group fitness class without doing the stretch and cool down. Exercising, more specifically strength training, causes micro tears in your muscle fibers, which is what eventually causes them to grow. It’s also what causes you to feel sore the next morning though, and you may need to stretch and give the muscles some time to rest. “Increasing any exercise progression too quickly, whether it be intensity, frequency or duration, without giving your body time to recoup, leaves the muscles overworked and strained, which can lead to issues such as tendinitis,” says Jessica Malpelli, D.P.T., therapist at Florida Orthopedic Institute. Wondering if your muscles could benefit from some post-workout love and affection? Here are some expert-approved tactics for you to try.

1. Self massage with a ball or foam roller.

Some research suggests that just 10 minutes of deep tissue massage post-workout enhances the effectiveness of energy creators (mitochondria) in the cell walls, while also creating a natural pain-relieving effect. And, it helped diminish inflammation. Rolling out on a ball or foam roller has the same effect with adhesions and knots. “These locked up tissues can lead to imbalances throughout the body,” says Jill Miller, eRYT, and creator of RxSeries for Equinox, a class that focuses on recharging your muscles with massage. Massaging also helps bring fluid balance back into the muscles, and, over time, can increase mobility and flexibility.

2. Heat it up or ice it down.

There’s much debate over heating and icing. “I use heat most often on patients with joint stiffness or muscle spasms, but rarely when dealing with post-workout soreness,” says Malpelli. “Newer muscle strains go through an inflammation stage, and heat can increase that inflammation.” Instead, try packing on the ice. Ice is an anti-inflammatory and can help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). However, if ice doesn’t help after a couple days, consider checking in with a medical professional to see if there is a bigger issue at hand.

3. Keep moving!

General exercise, including low-resistance cardio like walking or a light jog, is safe to do the day after a workout. “In fact, it helps flush out the lactic acid buildup that may be causing muscle soreness,” says Malpelli. It can also help loosen and stretch your muscles more than if you were to avoid activity all together. But don’t overdue it. Listen to your body — if you are in pain, take a break.

4. Eat anti-inflammatory foods.

There’s no reason to add more inflammation to your body via the foods you consume. “Protein is the building block of lean muscle,” says Malpelli. Focus on eating protein and health fats to help build your strength and avoid inflammatory foods and drinks such as coffee, popcorn, candy and white bread.

5. Get some shut-eye.

Doctors recommend getting close to eight hours of sleep a night, and for good reason. Sleep is necessary for your body’s recovery. Because you are (for the most part) immobile while you sleep, oxygen flows more readily to your muscles helping them heal. “The ideal scenario is to have a consistent bedtime and wake time to maintain balanced body rhythms,” says Miller. So even if you generally tend to only get six hours of sleep a night, try making it a routine to shut down at the same time.

6. Drink up.

Not only is it important to stay hydrated during workouts, it’s also important to drink water consistently throughout the day. “Every system in your body relies on water to function,” says Miller. “It’s a health necessity to keep your fluid intake high to avoid illness and issues with blood clotting, saliva and sweat production, and even sperm count.” Fill up a water bottle every morning and try to drink 13 cups daily for men, or 9 cups for women.

7. Stick it.

If you’ve watched the Olympics and seen athletes with tape stuck on their arms or legs in strange patterns, you’ve seen Kinesio tape. This remedy is used specifically to inhibit certain muscles that are overworked so they can rest, and force underused muscles to work. Malpelli reinforces that there are many applications of the tape that are completely dependent on personal muscle imbalances, and suggests using it only after being properly evaluated by a professional.

Original article and pictures take dailyburn.com site

четверг, 21 октября 2010 г.

7 Ways to Deal With Post-Workout Soreness

7 Ways to Deal With Post-Workout Soreness

Working out is wonderful for the mind, body and soul, but the post-workout soreness that comes with it can be a total bother. You go to sit and it hurts. You go to stand and it’s even worse. Walking suddenly feels like one of the biggest tasks on Earth. What is going on?

Source: India



Inspired by balance, Alexa finds that her true inner peace comes from executing a well-rounded lifestyle. An avid BodyRocker, yogi, hiker, beach bum, music and art enthusiast, salad aficionado, adventure seeker, animal lover, and professional writer, she is an active individual who loves to express herself...

Original article and pictures take www.bodyrock.tv site

вторник, 5 октября 2010 г.

7 Stretching and Flexibility Exercises for Golfers

7 Stretching and Flexibility Exercises for Golfers
Golf Shoulder Stretch
Golf Shoulder Stretch. Photo © Doug Benc / Getty Images

This is a great stretch golfers can use to open up the shoulders and improve range of motion in the shoulder joint. It's a great stretch for any athlete whose sport focuses on the upper body, arms, and shoulders, but golfers should consider this a core stretch before and after every tee shot.

  • Hold your golf club in front of you with one hand gripping each end of the club with an overhand grip.
  • Lift the club forward and up over your head with your elbows straight.
  • Slowly stretch your shoulders and move your hands back as far as possible until you feel tension across the front of your shoulders.
  • Hold for 10 to 20 seconds and release.
  • Repeat two to three times.
  • Be careful not to go beyond your limits. Increase your range of motion slowly.

Professional golfer Natalie Gulbis Stretches during a match
Professional golfer Natalie Gulbis Stretches during a match. Photo © David Cannon / Getty Images

This is a great stretch for any athlete, but golfers, racquetball and tennis players, baseball players, and swimmers should consider this a core stretch for their sports.

  • Begin by standing up straight with your shoulders relaxed and back.
  • Reach your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers.
  • Lift your shoulders up toward your ears and lift your hands away from your back.
  • Slowly bend forward at the waist, keeping your back flat, not rounded.
  • Continue bending forward and lift your hand over your head as far forward as comfortable.
  • At a full stretch, you will feel tension in your hamstrings and in your shoulders.
  • Hold for 10-20 seconds and release.
  • Repeat two to three times.

Quad Stretch
Quad Stretch. Photo © Stockbyte / Getty Images

The quadriceps (quads) are a group of muscles along the front of the thigh. There are many different ways to stretch your quadriceps, but here is a simple one you can do while standing:

  • Stand on one leg (grab onto something solid if you need support).
  • Bend your knee and bring your heel toward your buttock.
  • Reach for your ankle with your hand.
  • Stand up straight and feel a slight pull along the front of your thigh and hip.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, release, and repeat on the other leg.
  • Be careful not to strain your knee—the goal is not to touch your heel to the buttock, but rather to stretch the thigh.

Hip Flexor and Psoas Stretch
Hip Flexor and Psoas Stretch. Photo © Graham Mitchell / Getty Images

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that bring the legs up toward the trunk. Here's how to stretch them:

  • Begin in a forward lunge position and drop your back knee to the floor.
  • Raise your arms and hands up over your head and look up.
  • Press your hips forward and down toward the floor and feel a stretch through your torso, hip, groin, and thigh.
  • Hold the stretch for about 20-30 seconds, release, and repeat on the other leg.

Simple Shoulder Stretch
Simple Shoulder Stretch. Photo (c) Photodisc / Getty Images

This is a simple stretch golfers can do throughout the game and before shots:

  • Bring your right arm across your chest and your right hand toward your left shoulder, keeping your right elbow at chest level.
  • Place your left palm on your right elbow and pull it toward your chest.
  • Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and then switch sides.

The iliotibial (IT) band, which is on the outside of your hip all the way down to the side of your knee, can become irritated from excess flexion of the knee and hip. For golfers, this stretch can help keep the hips limber:

  • While standing, cross your leg behind the opposite leg.
  • Lean to the opposite side until you feel a stretch across the affected iliotibial band.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Uncross your legs and stand up straight again.
  • Repeat four more times and then switch sides.

Hip and Lower Back Stretch
Hip and Lower Back Stretch. Photo © Jonathan Daniel / Getty Images

Original article and pictures take www.verywell.com site