четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.

8 Stretches That Make You Stronger

8 Stretches That Make You Stronger

Stretches That Also Strengthen

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Resistance stretching is all the rage among elite Olympic athletes, but can something as simple as just a stretch make you stronger? Yes, says Michael Schiemer, B.S., CPT, and owner of Frugal Fitness. Plus, it "is an excellent way to increase strength while improving range of motion, reducing injury, and avoiding excess muscle mass gain." Even better, it needs no equipment! To try it for yourself, Schiemer recommends eight of his favorite moves.

Resisted Hip Flexion

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Lie on your back wiith knees bent and feet flat. Bring your right knee up to your chest, placing both hands on top of leg, just above the knee. As you push down on your leg, resist the downward force by contracting your hip flexor muscles. Once the heel of your foot taps the mat, bring that knee back up to your chest again, pushing against your hands' resistance. Do 10-15 slow repetitions and repeat on your left leg.

Tip: Make sure to keep your neck relaxed and your lower back flat against the mat throughout this movement.

Resisted Neck Twist

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Sit up straight with your core tight and shoulders relaxed. Place your right hand against your right cheek. Against the light resistance of your hand, rotate your head to the left about 90 degrees. Slowly return back to the starting position, still pushing against your hand. Repeat with the opposite arm and rotate to the opposite side. Start with 5 reps on each side using very light resistance.

Tip: Use this carefully, especially if you have a stiff neck. Don't do it if you have any concerns about your neck or spine.

Resisted Biceps Flexion

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Start with your right arm in a fully flexed position so that your elbow is at your side and your palm is close to your shoulder (palm facing up). Take your left hand and place it on your forearm to apply resistance. Push down with your left hand as you resist the downward force with your contracted biceps until your arm is fully extended and then slowly return back to the starting position, still pushing against resistance. Do 10-15 reps and then repeat with the opposite arm.

Tip: Keep the movement slow and smooth even if that means you need to do fewer reps.

Resisted Triceps Extension

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Stand with your right arm so that your elbow is at your side and your arm is straight out in front of you, palm facing up. Place your left hand on the back of your forearm to apply resistance. Slowly resist the elbow flexion with your triceps until your elbow is as flexed as possible and then slowly straighten the arm to starting position against resistance. Do 10-15 reps and repeat with the opposite arm.

Tip: Use your left arm instead of your hand if you need more resistance.

Partner-Resisted Hamstring

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Lie on your stomach. Bend one leg so that the heel of your foot is close to the back of your leg. Have your partner kneel beside you and put one hand under your calf and the other right above the ankle to apply resistance. Resist as your partner pushes back on your lower leg until your leg is completely straightened. Continue resisting against your partner until your leg is bent again and heel is against the back of your leg. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Tip: Make sure your partner isn't putting any pressure on your knee joint.

Partner-Resisted Quadriceps

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Start lying on your stomach on a mat. Start with both legs fully extended out and your partner's palm above the laces of your shoes or shin to apply resistance. Flex your quadriceps (thigh) muscle and resist against your partner until your knee is between a 90-degree bend and against your the back of your leg. Then, continue the resistance until your leg has straightened completely again and you have returned to the starting position. Do 10-15 reps and repeat with the opposite leg.

Tip: Make sure to keep your lower back flat the whole time.

Partner-Resisted Chest and Front Shoulder

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Stand with one arm relaxed at your side and one arm straight out in front of you and parallel to the floor. Your partner will be on the side of the extended arm and holding the inside of your forearm to apply the resistance. Contract your chest muscles to resist as your partner pulls your arm away from your body until your arm is completely out to the side. Keep resisting as you bring your arm straight out in front of you again. Do 10-15 reps and repeat with the opposite shoulder.

Tip: Keep your hips square to the front; don't let your body twist towards your partner.

Partner-Resisted Upper Back and Rear Shoulder

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Stand with one arm relaxed at your side and one arm straight out to the side and parallel to the floor. Have your partner stand on the same side as your extended arm and apply resistance against the back of your arm to push it back in towards the body. Resist as your partner pushes your arm back across your body until it is straight out in front of you and perpendicular to your torso. Continue pulling back against the resistance until your arm is back to the starting position straight out to the side. Do 10-15 reps and repeat with the opposite shoulder.

Tip: Make sure your partner isn't putting any pressure directly on your elbow joint.

Original article and pictures take www.shape.com site

пятница, 24 декабря 2010 г.

8 Relaxing Total Body Stretches

8 Relaxing Total Body Stretches

Cardio and strength training, or some combination of the two, are the cornerstones of any solid workout program. But one of the most overlooked elements of a comprehensive program comes at the end of the workout—stretching.

Stretching is something you know you should be doing, but it's also the part of the workout that's very easy to skip. You may think you don't have time for it, don't need it, or don't want to waste your time, but this is probably one of the best ways to end any workout.

Stretching when your muscles are warm has a number of benefits including:

  • Building greater flexibility overall
  • Relaxation and stress relief
  • Helping your body get back to its pre-exercise state
  • Giving both your mind and body a chance to reflect and feel the impact of the workout you just did

The great thing about stretching is that you don't have to spend a lot of time on the exercises to get the benefits. This total body flexibility workout proves it with stretches so simple, you can do them anywhere—after a workout, at work, or even when you're watching TV.

These exercises promote flexibility, coordination, and relaxation. They feel good after a hard workout. This workout targets all the major muscles of the body, including those that are chronically tight like the chest, shoulders, back, arms, hips, and legs. Try these exercises to get rid of any extra tension you may be carrying around. See your doctor if you have any medical conditions, illnesses, or injuries that may affect your ability to stretch.

How to Do the Stretches

You will need a chair, exercise ball, or bench.

  • Warm up with five to 10 minutes of light cardio or do this after a workout or a bath when your muscles are warm.
  • Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat one to three times.
  • Try to stretch every day if you can for better results.
  • Avoid any exercises that cause pain or discomfort and only stretch as deep as you can. The stretch should feel good and shouldn't hurt. If your muscles are shaking, you need to back off a bit and let your muscles relax more.

John Fedele/Blend Images/Getty Images

  1. Stand and hold onto a wall for balance if needed.
  2. Grab the top of the right foot and bend your knee, bringing the foot towards the glutes, knee pointing straight at the floor. You should feel a stretch right down the front of your leg.
  3. Squeeze your hips forward for a deeper stretch.
  4. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and switch sides, repeating one to three times.

Standing hamstring stretch. Paige Waehner

  1. Take your left foot forward and tip from the hips, keeping the back flat.
  2. Lower down until you feel a stretch in the back of the leg.
  3. Rest the hands on the upper thighs to give your back some support.
  4. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and switch sides, repeating one to three times.

If you feel shaky or your hamstrings are tight, try using a resistance band to give you more leverage.

Chest stretch. Paige Waehner

Upper back stretch. Paige Waehner

Original article and pictures take www.verywell.com site

воскресенье, 12 декабря 2010 г.

8 Post-Workout Recovery Stretches for Runners

8 Post-Workout Recovery Stretches for Runners

This is a dynamic movement that stretches your hamstrings, shoulders and core.

Start in a standing position, keep your feet hip-width apart, and make sure your legs are straight.

Bend at the waist and touch the floor with your hands.

Using small steps, walk your feet toward your hands.

Once you've walked your feet as close as possible to your hands, you've completed one rep. Do 3 to 4 sets of 4 to 8 reps.

Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Move your right foot slightly ahead of your left foot, but keep both feet pointed straight ahead. Bend at the waist and drop your hips as you touch the floor with your hands. (Think of a sprinter in the starting position in the blocks.)

Keep your hands on the floor as you raise your hips. Hold this position to feel the stretch before returning to the starting position.

You should feel this stretch in your hamstring and calf. Do 2 to 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps on each side.

Original article and pictures take www.active.com site

пятница, 3 декабря 2010 г.

8 Must-Do Stretches to Prevent & Recover from Workout Injuries

8 Must-Do Stretches to Prevent & Recover from Workout Injuries

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8 Must-Do Stretches to Prevent & Recover from Workout Injuries

There is much controversy in the research as to whether stretching prevents injuries. One thing is clear: Stretching helps to improve both range of motion and flexibility. Not only can these play an important role in terms of warding off injuries, but they can also help improve performance in the long run.

Having better flexibility helps increase range of motion. In turn, both help an athlete move more effectively, so he or she is less likely to get injured. Healthy body mechanics and healthy training go hand in hand. Stretching has important implications for athletes who want to prevent injuries or rehabilitate them. Keep in mind that when it comes to flexibility, you can have too much of a good thing. A small study has even found that some inflexibility in specific areas can actually be an asset for runners. Even still, every good runner will have a healthy amount of muscular pliability, so we aren’t talking about stiffness to the point of impaired movement.

The key is to know when to do which type of stretching. There are two main types of stretching: static and dynamic. Static stretching involves holding a certain posture, usually for 20–30 seconds, thereby elongating the muscles. Dynamic stretching uses active movements to help stretch and train the muscles to fire in a certain way.

Static Versus Dynamic Stretching

Static stretching has been proven to have a potentially detrimental effect on athletic performance when done prior to activity, but dynamic stretching appears to have the opposite result. The theory is that when the muscle is elongated too much during static stretches, it loses some ability to generate power during explosive movements (think: running or jumping). Dynamic stretching provides a more sport-specific warmup without overstretching muscles and reducing their elastic power.

While static stretching is still an important tool in your post-workout injury rehab and prevention plan, a dynamic routine should generally be the only type of stretching you do before training sessions. Consider integrating these dynamic movements into your pre-workout routine following a 10–15 minute easy jogging warmup. Following the workout, try the listed static stretches to help you wind down from activity and address any oncoming ailments.

Pre-Workout Dynamic Stretches

1. Walking Lunge: Do 20 meters of walking lunges.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step your right leg forward, and, as you plant your foot, lower your body into a lunge. Your right knee should be at a 90-degree angle and aligned with your right ankle. Slowly come back to center, stand up and repeat with the left leg.

2. Leg Swings: Do 4 sets (1 set in each direction for each variation) of 15 reps of leg swings.


Start with forward leg swings by standing next to a wall for balance. While keeping both legs straight, swing your right leg in front of your body and then behind your body — this counts as one leg swing. Avoid swinging past the point of discomfort. After repeating with your left leg, switch to the sideways variety. Similar to forward leg swings, simply swing the right leg toward the left, sweeping your foot across the front of your body and then back to the right — this counts as one leg swing. Repeat with your left leg.

3. Frankenstein: Do 20 meters forward and 20 meters back.


With your feet hip-width apart, stretch your arms out in front of your body with palms facing downward. March forward, and swing your right leg up in front of your body. Be sure to maintain good posture and keep your knee straight as you create a 90-degree angle with your body. Once you plant the right leg back on the ground, swing the left leg up.

4. Arm Swings: Do 20 arm swings.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Swing both arms forward like synchronized windmills. Complete 10 rotations, then reverse your arms and swing them backward for another 10 rotations. Be sure to engage your hips and keep your arms relaxed during this exercise.

Post-Workout Static Stretches

5. Pigeon: Do 1 minute in pigeon pose.


Start in pushup position. Bring your left leg forward, placing your bent knee and thigh in front of your torso. Your left foot should be sitting near your right hip. The right leg should remain extended behind your body, the top of which is resting on the ground. Support your body with your hands on either side and feel the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds, and switch sides.

6. Calf Stretch: Do 1 minute of calf stretches.

Stand facing a wall or platform, and place one foot against the wall to stretch your calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds, and switch sides.

7. Quad Stretch: Do 1 minute of quad stretches.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bring your right heel up to your backside, holding it with your right hand. Hold for 30 seconds, and switch sides.

8. Scissor Stretch: Do 1 minute of scissor stretches.


Standing with your feet together, step your left foot forward a couple of feet. Carefully bend forward at the hip, reaching down toward the ground and placing your hands on either side of your left foot. Hold for 30 seconds, and switch sides.

Which of these stretches have you tried? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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