среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.

Cool Down With 5 Post-Workout Stretches In Under 8 Minutes

Cool Down With 5 Post-Workout Stretches In Under 8 Minutes

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Follow along with contributing fitness editor Assata McKenzie for the ultimate post-workout stretching routine that will cool you down from head to toe, in under eight minutes.

See the entire fitness guide here.


5 Easy Pre-Workout Stretches in Under 5 Minutes

What Is CrossFit? Your Guide To The Fitness Phenomenon

Here Are The Real Benefits Of Yoga

Original article and pictures take www.chatelaine.com site

четверг, 8 сентября 2011 г.



Stretch and relax your entire body with this 5-minute stretching routine. A set of cool down exercises to increase muscle control, flexibility and range of motion. Start the timer, play the music and unwind!

Stretch and relax your entire body with this 5 minute routine. Cool down exercises to increase muscle control, flexibility and range of motion. Have fun! https://www.spotebi.com/workout-routines/5-minute-full-body-cool-down-exercises/



Start your exercise routine with a 10 minute full body warm up, continue with a full body workout and finish with this set of cool down exercises.


1. Ab stretch: 20 seconds. Lie down on the mat with your arms in push up position and your legs straight. Straighten your arms slowly and lift your torso.

2. Cat cow stretch: 20 seconds + 20 seconds. Start on all fours, drop your head and round your back and neck. Hold and then slowly curve your back down and raise your head.

3. Hip flexor stretch: 20 seconds + 20 seconds. Kneel on your left leg and bend your right leg in front of you at a 90-degree angle. Shift your weight forward and feel the stretch in your hip. Switch sides.

4. Lower back stretch: 20 seconds. Lie down on your back and pull your knees up to your chest. Deepen the stretch as you breathe out.

5. Standing forward bend: 20 seconds. Stand up and then slowly rotate your hips and lower your torso. Try touching the back of your ankles, keep your knees straight and hold.

6. Quad stretch: 20 seconds + 20 seconds. Keep your thighs together, grab one foot and pull it toward your butt. Hold the stretch and then switch sides.

7. Calf stretch: 20 seconds + 20 seconds. Hold onto a wall and extend one leg back. Keep your back foot flat on the floor, your back knee straight and lean forward.

8. Shoulder stretch: 20 seconds + 20 seconds. Grasp one elbow and gently pull the arm toward the chest. Breathe slowly and exhale as you deepen the stretch.

9. Biceps stretch: 20 seconds. Straighten your arms, clasp your hands behind your back and rotate your palms. Raise your arms and hold.

10. Child’s pose: 20 seconds. Sit down on your heels and stretch your arms in front of you. Relax and feel all tension fading away.

Weight Loss Program




Enter your weight to find out how many calories you can burn doing these cool down exercises:


Original article and pictures take www.cdn.spotebi.com site