пятница, 20 апреля 2012 г.



Stretch your entire body with this set of flexibility exercises. A 10-minute static stretching routine to improve your joint range of motion and stretch your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Breathe deeply, relax your body and de-stress!

Stretch your entire body with this set of flexibility exercises. A static stretching routine to improve joint range of motion and stretch muscles and tendons. https://www.spotebi.com/workout-routines/flexibility-exercises-full-body-static-stretches/



Start your workout routine with a set of full body dynamic warm up exercises, continue with a 30 minute cardio workout and finish with these flexibility exercises.


1. Child’s pose: 30 seconds. Extend your arms as far as you can, keep your knees wide and your toes together.

2. Ab stretch: 30 seconds. Keeping your pelvis on the mat, straighten your arms and slowly lift your torso.

3. Cat cow stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Keep your spine relaxed and don’t bounce between positions.

4. Hip flexor stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Kneel on your left leg and bend your right leg in front of you at a 90-degree angle. Shift your weight forward and feel the stretch in your hips.

5. Hamstring stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Lie on your back and lift your left leg up. Hold your thigh and pull the leg toward your chest.

6. Glute stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Cross the left leg over the right and bring both knees toward your chest. Pull the right leg toward you, hold the stretch and repeat with the opposite leg.

7. Standing forward bend: 30 seconds. Keep your knees straight and bend forward, by rotating your hip joints. Grab the back of your ankles and hold for 30 seconds.

8. Quad stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Maintain your back straight and keep your thighs together. If you need extra support you can hold onto a wall.

9. Calf stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. As you drop your hips down and forward, push your back heel down into the floor and keep your back knee straight.

10. Neck stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Don’t force the stretch beyond the neck’s normal range of motion and avoid any aggressive movements.

11. Shoulder stretch: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Grasp one elbow and gently pull it toward your chest. Don’t bounce your arms and keep the movement smooth.

12. Biceps stretch: 30 seconds. Clasp your hands behind your back, rotate your hands and raise your arms until you feel the stretch in your biceps and chest.

Bikini Body Program




Enter your weight to find out how many calories you can burn doing these flexibility exercises:


Original article and pictures take www.cdn.spotebi.com site

понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.

Five Videos to Get You All Limber This Morning

Five Videos to Get You All Limber This Morning

If there’s one single thing that’s made the biggest difference physically in my whole fitness routine shebang it’s stretching. I often missed the pre-stretch before P.E lessons at school because I was still too busy in the changing room trying to perfect my bump-free pony tail with mousse (#90sKidProblems) and stupidly it was a step... Read more »

Original article and pictures take static.blovcdn.com site

вторник, 3 апреля 2012 г.

Fitness Blender Cool Down Workout -- Cool Down Stretching Routine for Flexibility

Fitness Blender Cool Down Workout -- Cool Down Stretching Routine for Flexibility

Info for this Fitness Blender Cool Down & Stretch Workout Video @ http://bit.ly/11X53RB

Lose 16-24 lbs in 8 weeks with our workout videos - find out how @ http://bit.ly/13EdZgX

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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site