пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

Foam Rolling Exercises Everyone Should Do

Foam Rolling Exercises Everyone Should Do

Stull suggests dividing the lower leg into two zones. The first zone is from the ankle to the calf, while the second is from the calf to just below the knee.

Begin in a seated position with your legs extended, and place one leg on the roller. The roller should be positioned just above the ankle. With your hands next to your hips, lift yourself slightly off the ground.

Roll slowly through Zone 1 for four complete reps. Next, set your hips down and rotate your leg side to side four times. Repeat this cycle for Zone 2, and switch sides when finished.

"Foam rolling the lower leg can help reduce tension in the hips, lower back, shoulders and neck," Stull says.

Lower-Body Warm-Up Exercises

Similar to the lower leg, divide the upper leg into two zones. Zone 1 is from just above the knee to the center of the thigh. Zone 2 is from the center of the thigh to just below the hip.

Lie face down and support yourself on your forearms. Place one leg, just above the kneecap, on the foam roller. Roll slowly through Zone 1 four times.

30-Day Lower-Body Challenge

With the roller positioned near your mid-thigh, bend your leg to about 90 degrees four times. Repeat the cycle for Zone 2 before performing the entire sequence with the other leg.

"Rolling the upper leg can help reduce tension in the quads, improve core stability, and increase blood flow in the hips," Stull says.

4 Must-Do Post-Workout Quadricep Stretches

Sit on the foam roller with it positioned under one of your glutes. Extend your legs and place your hands behind you for support. The leg of the glute being massaged should be slightly off the ground.

Slowly roll down and back by slightly bending the opposite leg. Complete four reps. Next, shift your hips side to side four times. Switch sides when finished.

5 Squat Variations Everyone Should Do

Lie on your back with the foam roller just below your rib cage area. Place your hands behind your head and lift your hips off the ground.

Roll up to your shoulder blades and back down to the starting position four times. Once finished, roll back up to your shoulder blades, place your hips on the ground, and slowly bend your torso side-to-side four times.

"Foam rolling the thoracic spine plays an important role in how our arms move and our breathing," Stull says.

Upper-Body Warm-Up Exercises

Lie on one side with your hips, knees and feet stacked, and your bottom arm outstretched. The palm of your bottom arm should be facing up. Reach your other arm across your body to grip the foam roller.

Roll up and down just below the shoulder blade four times.

"Foam rolling the lats can provide better mobility from the shoulders to the hips," Stull says.

Beach Body Workouts for Men: Back

Reach your bottom arm out directly in front and swing it out slowly until it's in line with your body. Repeat this movement four times.

Original article and pictures take www.active.com site

понедельник, 11 июня 2012 г.

Foam Roller Post-Workout Stretches

Foam Roller Post-Workout Stretches

Tap an exercise or swipe left to begin

Foam Roller Hamstring Stretch

Foam Roller Calf / Calves Stretch

Foam Roller Calf / Calves Stretch

  1. Sit on the ground and position a foam roller underneath your calves. Make sure that you begin towards the top of the muscle, near the knee.
  2. Place your hands behind you and lift yourself off the ground.
  3. Slowly move yourself forward allowing your calves to roll 2 to 3 inches on the foam roller. Pause then roll the other way. Continue the back and forth motion. For a deeper stretch, try stacking one leg over the other.

Foam Roller Hamstring Stretch

  1. Sit on the ground and position a foam roller underneath your hamstrings (back part of the thigh). Make sure that you begin towards the bottom of the muscle, near the knee.
  2. Place your hands behind you and lift yourself off the ground.
  3. Slowly move yourself forward allowing your hamstrings to roll 2 to 3 inches on the foam roller. Pause then roll the other way. Continue the back and forth motion. For a deeper stretch, try stacking one leg over the other.

Foam Roller Glutes / Butt Stretch

Foam Roller Glutes / Butt Stretch

  1. Sit on top of a foam roller. Place your left foot on top of your right knee and hold it in place with your right hand. Support yourself by placing your left hand behind you.
  2. Begin the movement by slowly rolling yourself forward 2 to 3 inches. You’ll feel the stretch in your glutes.
  3. Reverse the movement and continue the back and forth motion. When finished, repeat on the other side.

Foam Roller Lower Back Stretch

Foam Roller Lower Back Stretch

  1. Sit on the ground and place a foam roller directly behind your lower back. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. As your feet support you, carefully lean back and on to the foam roller.
  2. Turn slightly towards the right. Slowly roll your body down towards the ground for 2 to 3 inches.
  3. Pause at the bottom and roll back up. Continue this back and forth motion at a slow and controlled pace. Repeat on the other side.

Foam Roller Outer Thighs Stretch

Foam Roller Outer Thighs Stretch

  1. Place a foam roller on the ground and lay on top of it sideways at hip level. Begin with your right side. Make sure that the foam roller is supporting your hips. Brace your upper body with your elbow while you keep your lower body balanced with your feet.
  2. Begin with the lower part of the hip (bottom of the buttocks). Roll your body down 2 to 3 inches. Pause to feel the pressure on the TFL band.
  3. Slowly reverse the movement. Repeat on the other side.

Foam Roller Quadriceps Stretch

Foam Roller Quadriceps Stretch

  1. Place a foam roller on the ground and lay on top of it so that the foam roller is supporting your quadriceps (upper part of the leg). Brace your upper body with your elbows.
  2. Make sure that the foam roller is positioned near the bottom of the muscle towards the knees but NOT on the knee. You will work your way up towards your hips from here.
  3. Slowly move yourself forward allowing your quadriceps to roll 2 to 3 inches on the foam roller. Pause then roll the other way. Continue the back and forth motion. For a deeper stretch, try stacking one leg over the other.

Foam Roller Upper Back Stretch

Foam Roller Upper Back Stretch

  1. Sit on the ground and place a foam roller directly behind your lower back. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Bring your feet to hip-width and allow them to support you as you carefully lean back and on to the foam roller.
  2. Move your body down on the foam roller until it reaches your upper back. Brace your core and begin by slowly rolling your body up 2 to 3 inches.
  3. Pause and slowly roll the opposite way. Be sure to roll out at different levels on your upper back.

Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder Stretch

  1. Stand tall and bring your right arm across your upper body, holding it with your left arm just below or above the elbow.
  2. Hold the stretch and then release.
  3. Repeat the stretch with the left arm.

Original article and pictures take workoutlabs.com site