понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

How to End Your Work Out

How to End Your Work Out
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Sometimes the hardest part of the work out is taking the extra twenty minutes to cool down and stretch! Sometimes after a really hard work out (or even a not so hard work out) all we want to do is escape the gym, take a cold shower, and go on with our day. But STOP! Stretching and post-work out care is just as important as the actual exercises, and it benefits your joints, muscles and reduces soreness.


Obviously, we all need to dedicate more time to stretching. After strength training or cardio, your muscles are warmed so they’re elastic and pliable. Stretching relaxes the tension exerted from the work out, and while it may not correlate to decreased injuries, it has been shown to decrease next-day soreness in hamstrings, quads and calves. Stretching also induces circulation which accelerates the healing process. Be sure to dedicate at least ten minutes to stretching and hit all major muscle groups that you just previously worked.


Drinking lots of water also helps decrease muscle soreness and increase strength and flexibility. If you weigh yourself before and after a workout, this is the water weight you lost and should be a minimum of water you need to drink to replenish. I follow a more simple method, which is just trying to drink my body weight in ounces of water. Keeping hydrated also curves your appetite, because sometimes your stomach tricks you into think it’s hungry when really you’re only thirsty. Check out Health’s 15 Benefits of Drinking Water.

Rollers and Massages

Ever see those big foam rollers lying around at the gym? There’s actually a use for them. Rolling your muscles out after intense work outs reduce swelling and muscle damage, as well as break up knots. Also, foam rolling helps reduce cellulite, which is just fibrous connective bands pulling fat up to the surface. By creating friction and pressure, the foam roller loosens the bands temporarily and helps stimulate circulation and excess fluids, making the skin appear smoother. If you’re conserving money and do not want to spend upwards of $100 on a massage, investing in a foam roller is definitely the price efficient option. GW HellWell has them near the blue mats, or you can purchase your own for as low as $15 on Amazon.

Once you’re done taking that extra 15-20 minutes to take care of your body, you’re free to go on with your day feeling even better than if you had skipped that cool down!


Original article and pictures take s0.wp.com site

четверг, 15 ноября 2012 г.

How to Build the Perfect Pre- or Post-Workout Smoothie

How to Build the Perfect Pre- or Post-Workout Smoothie
bbostjan/getty images


Inspired Book cover

There's no shortage of delicious, healthy, OMG-I-need-to-make-that-right-now smoothie recipes on the internet (this site included). But when you're rushing off to the gym at 6 a.m. or recovering from an insane workout and barely have enough energy to press the "pulse" button on your blender, sometimes it's just easier to freestyle. You know—nix the measuring cups, open the fridge and freezer, and toss whatever's there into that plastic pitcher. But apparently there is an art to healthy haphazardry. This handy chart from activewear aficionado Lorna Jane Clarkson's new book Inspired (get it July 9 at LornaJane.com) shows you how to build a pre- or post-workout smoothie from the ground (er, blades) up.

smoothie chart
smoothie chart

And now for a delicious example…

Salted Caramel Post-Workout Smoothie


salted carmel smoothie
salted carmel smoothie

Prep time: 15 minutes

Makes 2 (about 5 cups)

2 c almond milk

1½ medium bananas

2 Tbsp cashew spread (or small handful of raw cashews)

1 scoop natural whey or pea protein powder (optional)

4 pitted Medjool dates

2 tsp honey

½ tsp Himalayan rock salt

2 c ice

2 Tbsp honey, extra

2 Tbsp crushed ice, extra

1 Tbsp cacao nibs


Combine all ingredients except extra honey and extra ice in a blender. Drizzle the extra honey around each glass. Pour smoothie in glasses, top with extra ice and cacao nibs to serve.

Original article and pictures take www.prevention.com site

вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.

How Do I Know If I Have A Sprained Ankle

How Do I Know If I Have A Sprained Ankle

This site is no longer in service or has been disabled due to a terms of service violation.

Original article and pictures take sprained-ankle.sprainedankletreatment.org site

четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

hooded jogger jumpsuit

hooded jogger jumpsuit
IVY PARK hooded jogger jumpsuit - A luxe stretch-knit cotton jumpsuit with ergonomic seaming...
IVY PARK hooded jogger jumpsuit

A luxe stretch-knit cotton jumpsuit with ergonomic seaming and a generous hood is just the thing for slipping on post-workout or pre-binge watch. Style Name: Ivy Park Hooded Jogger Jumpsuit. Style Number: 5516924. Available in stores.

Original article and pictures take www.nudevotion.com site