четверг, 27 февраля 2014 г.

Post workout shoulder stretch

Post workout shoulder stretch
Shoulder stretching
Post workout stretching arms and shoulders. Keep a bend at the knees back staying in the neutral position slowly lower your body to the floor keeping your bum poking out and your arms straight throughout the movement.

Original article and pictures take cdn.shopify.com site

пятница, 14 февраля 2014 г.

Post Workout Cool Down with Brooke Burke! - Workout Wednesday with ModernMom

Post Workout Cool Down with Brooke Burke! - Workout Wednesday with ModernMom

Brooke Burke takes viewers through a great end-of-workout cool down routine! Click below to subscribe to our channel for more great videos!

When you're finished exercising, give your body time to cool down with these great stretches. Brooke Burke takes us through a series of moves to help you transition out of work-out mode.

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ModernMom is an online community designed for the woman behind the mom, where mothers of all kinds can share experiences and learn from other women around the world. A comprehensive guide and community, ModernMom.com features smart and practical advice on topics such as parenting, finances, career, health, wellness, beauty, entertainment and more. With one click, women can also access a worldwide network of moms who are ready to chat, ask questions and share their most clever tips and advice. ModernMom's two CEOs are Brooke Burke and Lisa Rosenblatt.


"Workout Wednesday" "Cool Down" "Tricep Stretch" "Deep Circles" "Quad Stretch" "Head Roll" ModernMom

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

вторник, 11 февраля 2014 г.

Post Run Static Stretching Routine

Post Run Static Stretching Routine

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After the half last month, I somehow developed a nagging little ankle-bitter of an injury which after asking my fantastic IG/Social Media friend was quickly diagnosed and corrected and it all came down to lack of stretching. As a certified personal trainer, tout the benefits of stretching for injury prevention and increased mobility but I wasn’t practicing what I preached. It took this little nagging injury to get me back on the stretching bandwagon and I’ve really gotten into a routine.

I’ve created post-run stretching routine taking advantage of static static stretching that really helps me target all the areas that feel tight after a run. I wanted to share it with you in case you’re looking for some ideas. This routine covers head to toe, and the objective is to hold each stretch for approximately 30-60 seconds at just a slightly challenging point allowing the muscle to release and relax.

Static Stretching Routine
Post Run Stretching
Hold Each Stretch for 30-60 seconds

As you can probably see, my stretching is never done alone. I almost always have at least one workout buddy. So I couldn’t help showing you a couple of the photos that didn’t quite make the cut.

Static Stretching
What are your favorite stretches?

Original article and pictures take momslittlerunningbuddy.com site

понедельник, 3 февраля 2014 г.

Plank it! Easy ways to ease chronic pain in your back, head and knees

Plank it! Easy ways to ease chronic pain in your back, head and knees

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain, from lower back pain to knee problems to migraines. The pain can debilitating and often lasts for months -- and it takes a toll on your body.

While medicine can alleviate symptoms, there are alternative methods to get at the underlying cause.

Back pain

More than 31 million Americans experience back pain. While medicine or cortisone shots can be used to address the initial pain symptoms, sports medicine physician Dr. Jordan Metzl of New York City's Hospital for Special Surgery also recommends exercises to strengthen the core.

Recommended exercise: planks

Hold yourself parallel to the floor, with your weight resting on your hands or elbows and feet. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

“The idea of this exercise is it strengthens both the front and the back muscles at the same time,” Metzl said.

Knee pain

About 30 percent of American adults experience knee pain. The first step is to identify the cause and control the pain, Metzl said. Once the pain is addressed, Metzl recommends exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee.

Recommended exercise: squats

Stand with feet about shoulder width apart, arms in, and bend the knees. Start with a few at first, then slowly increase the number.

“That’s called a plyometric, and he’s built a ton of strength.”

Headaches and migraines

About 54 percent of migraine sufferers experience one or more episodes per month. While medicines can help reduce the disability associated with migraines, lifestyle and behavorial changes may help decrease the frequency, said Dr. Audrey Halpern, a neurologist at New York University's Langone Medical Center. “Regular exercise, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet, and especially getting enough sleep.”

Original article and pictures take media1.s-nbcnews.com site