пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

Post Workout Yoga Stretches - Holly Brown Fit

Post Workout Yoga Stretches - Holly Brown Fit

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Original article and pictures take hollybrownfit.com site

среда, 18 июня 2014 г.

Post Workout Yoga Cool Down - 12 Min Cooldown After Workout - Easy Yoga Stretches

Post Workout Yoga Cool Down - 12 Min Cooldown After Workout - Easy Yoga Stretches

This is a 12 minute yoga sequence for post workout, or to cool your body down! Do this routine after an intense workout of cardio, weight training, dance class, or anything high-intensity (HIIT), and you'll be feeling great afterward! // EXPAND FOR MORE INFO & LINKS //

Hi! I'm Christina and welcome to my Yoga YouTube Channel, ChriskaYoga! This is a quick yoga stretch that you can do after your workout to help your body cool down. In this routine, you'll get some easy yoga stretches to help activate the relaxation response in your body. This is beneficial for optimal muscle recovery!

We'll start out in a seated forward bend (dandasana). Then we'll come into a seated twist (marichyasana c), and another forward bend (janu sirsasana). Following this, we'll come into another seated twist, half lord of the fishes pose (Ardha Matsyendrāsana) and repeat that whole sequence on the other side.

We will then take a few forward and side bends in a wide legged position (upavista konasana), and bound angle pose (baddha konasana).

After all this, we'll lay on our backs and hug our knees into our chest (apanasana). Then we'll take one leg in our hands (eka pada apanasana) and come into a supine twist. We'll repeat this on the other side and take a savasana for as long as you'd like.

✔️ Don't forget to subscribe for more yoga classes every Monday & Wednesday! ✔️

✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/chriskayogasub ✔️

☮️ Website: http://chriskayoga.com

☮️ Download Yoga Classes: https://sellfy.com/chriskayoga

☮️ Equipment I use:

➡️ Yoga Mat: http://amzn.to/2iEtO39

➡️ Camera: http://amzn.to/2igFY1p

➡️ Lens: http://amzn.to/2jEmybT

➡️ Sound Recorder: http://amzn.to/2lPXsXe

➡️ Lavalier Mic: http://amzn.to/2l8gSIi

➡️ Secondary Camera: http://amzn.to/2kEd1yi

☮️ Beginners Classes: http://bit.ly/chriskayogabeginners

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Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

вторник, 10 июня 2014 г.

Post Workout Upper Body Stretching Routine

Post Workout Upper Body Stretching Routine

A few months ago, I shared my Lower Body Stretching Routine, which btw, I’ve really improved since then, but I’ve been asked by many of your to share my upper body stretching routine.

Well, today, I’m sharing my Upper Body Stretching Routine that I do when I’m all done my killer upper body workouts.

Unlike my lower body, I don’t stretch my upper body all the time.

My legs on the other hand are a different story, and I’m sure if you work a desk job all day long you feel the same way. Sitting = back pain/hamstring tightness and a whole lotta crampiness.

Stretching prevents and eliminates any tightness or back pain that can happen (or is trying to happen) and it’s totally my way with dealing with a desk job. Ooh the pain of a 9 to 5er.

Any way, I hope you enjoy this stretching routine. If there are some stretches you find are too uncomfortable or are painful, ease into them slowly and work your way into a more flexible physique by practicing any chance you get.

To perform this full routine, hold each stretch for anywhere between 45 seconds to 2 minutes – whatever you feel is best for you.

Remember to breathe deeply and slowly, focusing on each breath in and out.

Don’t hold it if it hurts. Ease off a little, you only want to feel a slight pull.

Relax. Take your time and enjoy every minute of it.

I like to listen to the sounds of outside (if I’m at home)

Or if I’m at the gym, I turn on a slower song to get me in the mood.

Neck Stretch

Lean your head towards your shoulder and you should feel a small pull in your neck muscles.

Overhead Tricep Stretch

Extend one arm over your head, bend your elbow, bringing your palm to the back of your shoulders. Keep your elbow pointing directly towards the ceiling. Using your opposite hand, slightly pull your elbow back until you feel the stretch in your tricep muscle.

Bicep Stretch

Begin standing, extend your arms out to the side and bend your wrists so you bring your pinky finger as close as you can to your arm. It doesn’t take much before you can feel the stretch in your biceps.

Anterior Deltoid Stretch (Front of Shoulders)

While standing, place your hands together behind your back and push the back of your shoulders together, while reaching your hands as far as you can below your butt. You will feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders. The more you push your hands under your butt, the more you will feel the stretch in the top of your shoulders too.

Posterior Deltoid Stretch (back of shoulders)

Reach one arm across the front of your chest, holding your elbow with your opposite hand. Push your arm as far as you can across your body, using your opposite hand to help hold your arm in place.

Rhomboid Stretch (Middle Back of Shoulders)

Extend both arms directly out in front of your chest. Place your hands together and push your upper body and back of your shoulders out as far as you can. This targets your rhomboid.

Trapezius Stretch (Also known as Traps)

Coming out of the stretch above, lower your hands, pointing them towards the ground while pushing down using force from your shoulders and upper back. This targets your traps.

Latissimus Dorsi/Obliques Stretch

From a standing position, reach one arm up and over your head while bending your opposite side. You will feel this stretch all in your lats and obliques. (aka; all the way up your side)

Chest Stretch

Similar to the bicep stretch, but extending your arms out to your side, palms facing forward and push your arms back as far as you possibly can. This stretches out the entire chest muscles.

Abdominal Stretch

From the standing position, reach up with both hands extending your arms over head, and slightly pushing backwards. Allow your body to lean back and feel the entire abdominals stretch.

Remember when you are stretching….breathe! Some tend to stop breathing completely and if that is you, try to work on your breathing. As you stretch, slowly breathe out, then in, then out. ..s..l…o…w…

Really focus on the muscle pulling deep and breathe deep.

Get real deep.


Just a head’s up, I’m away on a vacation soon and I don’t have any posts scheduled because I’ve been so busy working on a big secret mission. Soon after my arrival home, I have a very big surprise to share with you.

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Original article and pictures take static.blovcdn.com site