Stretching is easily ignored, even in commercials for gyms. Yet it's an important part of any fitness program. Like many things in life, you want to avoid extremes. Stretching is no different. What the research shows is that the "extremes" of too little flexibility and too much flexibility are likely to cause injury and problems. And while research has never proven that stretching prevents injury (that is a myth), it still has its benefits, like enhancing post-workout recovery and decreasing soreness. Most people should aim for an average to "normal" level of flexibility, but if you don’t stretch regularly, your range of motion will decline. So how do you begin? First, never stretch before a workout. SparkPeople encourages people to stretch after their workouts, when your muscles are warmest and least prone to injury from improper stretching. Exercise loosens the muscles and joints and prepares them to be stretched. After your proper warm up, workout and cool down comes stretching. Try to hit every muscle group when stretching. The key to proper stretching is knowing how far to go—you should feel slight discomfort, but not pain. If it hurts, you've gone too far. Here are a few more tips:
SparkPeople Stretching Routines The following videos and routines will help you increase your overall flexibility. Basic Stretching Routine Quick and Easy Stretching Routine Seated Stretching Routine Daily Stretching Routine Advanced Stretching Routine VIDEO: Lower Body Stretching Routine (standing) VIDEO: Lower Body Stretching Routine (lying on mat) VIDEO: Calf and Ankle Stretching Routine (for shin splints) VIDEO: Upper Body Stretching Routine Article created on: 11/4/2003 |
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