пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

The 4 Best Post-Workout Routine Stretches

The 4 Best Post-Workout Routine Stretches

For many people, doing stretches after a good workout can feel like an extra chore or a waste of time because they already warmed up before exercising. Even those who do make the time for a post-workout stretching session tend to rush through everything or keep it short and simple because they want to go relax.

While this might seem like a good way to save some time, it can come with a cost that is paid later. This is because not resetting your muscles to their natural state after a workout can lead to stiffness and soreness down the line as well as other issues.

Because your muscles are warm immediately after your workout it is the best possible time to take advantage of the increased elasticity of them and perform some stretches. It doesn’t just come with physical benefits, such as reducing soreness, either. Stretching is also of psychological use, as it causes a mind-body connection. This enables you to get in tune with your body and focus on how it is feeling.

Although stretching is very important post-workout, there is no need to stretch all the muscles in your body. With the following four stretches you will be able to target all the right spots in order to reduce muscle tension and help your body to recover as well as repair.

1. Spinal Stretch

Over time, spinal stretches can help to reduce back problems as well as lead to an improved posture. However, take care not to try to stretch past the point that your body is able to handle, as you might cause more harm than good.

Technique: Lie down flat on your back, with your legs together, and then stretch your arms out overhead. Focus on lengthening and extending your body all the way from your fingertips down to your toes.

Advantages: While performing these stretches you are lengthening as well as realigning your spine. In addition to increasing the flexibility of your lower back and hips it also helps to stimulate your digestive system. This will result in you feeling more energized after you are done stretching. Stretching the spine is also able to help improve circulation while reducing tension in the joints.

2. Hamstring Stretch

Stretching the hamstring is important as they can create a downward pull on your pelvis if they are tight. This can lead to numerous issues with your hip and lumbar spinal joints. Tight hamstrings around the knees can also cause issues related to the kneecap and the thigh bone.

Technique: Lie down flat on your back while keeping your back straight and your legs fully extended. Make sure that your hips remain level and that your lower back stays on the ground. Now, bend your right knee while placing your right foot flat on the ground. Then, bend your left knee and proceed to draw it up into your chest. With your right foot still on the ground, slowly begin to straighten your left leg. Keep both hips firmly on the ground while pulling your left leg gently towards you. The easiest way to do so is by placing both hands on the back of the calf or thigh. For the duration of this stretch, your neck and head should remain relaxed and on the ground.

Advanced Technique: As your flexibility increases, you will be able to increase the intensity of the hamstring stretch. It is important to only do this if your flexibility allows it, in order to avoid injury. Perform the stretch as described above, but straightening the knee of the leg that is on the ground. Hold this pose for 30 seconds while inhaling and exhaling deeply. Then, switch the position of your legs, and repeat the stretch on the opposite side.

Advantages: With this hamstring stretch technique you can efficiently reduce the amount of stress that is felt in your lower back. It is also a great technique for improving your posture.

3. Quadriceps Stretch

Your quadriceps are used for everything, from walking to climbing steps, so it is vital to stretch them after a workout to prevent stiffness, which can impede these actions.

Technique: Begin by assuming a prone position (with your face down) on the floor or mat. Both legs should be stretched out. Next, flex your left knee, and bring your foot up. Try to bring your foot forward enough that it is touching your buttocks. Then, use your left hand to reach behind you and grasp the foot that you have brought forward. While holding your foot by the ankle or forefoot, stretch it more towards the front. After holding this stretch for approximately 30 seconds, release and then repeat the procedure again with the other foot. Be sure that no pressure is applied to your knees when performing these stretches.

Advantages: With the quadriceps stretch you open your hips, increasing your flexibility. This stretch is also able to efficiently realign your posture if done correctly and can reduce the likelihood of back or knee pain.

4. Hip Flexor Stretch

When sitting, our hip flexors are constantly in a shortened position, which can cause tightness. By not stretching these muscles after an exercise the problem is only exacerbated, so be sure to end each workout session with some hip flexor stretches.

Technique: Get down on both knees before lifting and stepping forward with your left foot. While your right knee remains in position below your hip, keep the left knee directly over your heel. Stay in this position, and then lift your right hand up in the air. Next, reach slightly over to the left with your right hand while leaning back a little. Both hips should remain facing forward as you tilt your pelvis forward in order to engage your glutes.


Tip: To adjust exactly where you feel the stretch, simply change the position of your foot. By bringing your foot inward or turning it out you are externally and internally rotating the hip. Focus on the version where you feel the biggest stretch for the best results.

Advantages: Performing hip flexor stretches will improve the flexibility of your hips along with your quadriceps. It is also, as the name implies, an effective way to release the hip flexor muscle group.

Stay Committed To Stretching

There are other, more complicated, stretches that can be done after working out, but with the four techniques described above, you will be able to target all the most important muscle groups. These stretches are simple enough that they can be performed anywhere, and none of them require any external accessories, equipment or even a partner to do.

They offer the perfect way to relax and rejuvenate your body after your workout and will also make you more flexible, less prone to injuries and with a better posture.

Personal trainer, fitness coach and wellness expert for over twenty years. Shauna is able to connect personally with her clients because I faced my own wellness challenges at a young age. She started her personal journey towards feeling fit and healthy twenty years ago, and has never looked back. Once struggling with her weight, she also had confidence issues and found it hard to stick with diet and exercise. Shauna managed to break free of this struggle, and now wants to give back and share the lessons she has learned.

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вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

The 10 Best Post-Workout Habits To Get Into

The 10 Best Post-Workout Habits To Get Into

So you’ve formed a wonderful habit of working out on the same schedule. Congrats! Making the gym a priority is your first step to success.

What you do before and after your workout, however, can be just as important as regular exercise. There are plenty of post-workout habits that can help you make the most of out of your workout.

We made a list of our top 10 to help you take your workouts to the next level.

1. Fuel Up


There is a window of about an hour after you workout where a post-workout snack has maximum effectiveness. Eating soon after you workout will help your body recover faster and in particular, build more muscle, if you’re looking for gains. Ideally, you choose a food or a shake that is chockfull of protein — up to 40 grams if you’ve done a gruelling, all-over body workout. Avoid too many sugars and carbs, as they’re more likely to be stored as fat. Ideally, you squeeze in a workout right before a balanced meal with lots of protein, vegetables and some complex carbs, or first thing in the morning so you can easily grab that protein-laden breakfast shake.

2. Stretch It Out


Stretching is essential for improving your range of motion, increasing circulation and improving muscle control. Make it a habit to do a light stretch after your warm up before diving into your workout. Perhaps more importantly, you’ll want to take the time to stretch it out thoroughly immediately following your workout, too. Dynamic stretching has been shown to help prevent injury and increase performance, so make sure the stretches you do immediately after working out should be focused on the muscle groups you just used. And never stretch further than you’re actually capable. Flexibility can be built over time, so be patient. Consider joining a restorative yoga class once or twice a week to maximize the benefits of your harder workouts (and de-stress all at once).

3. Enjoy A Cooldown


Cooling down is an important step that many people nonetheless skip out on. Just finished an intense sprint on the treadmill? Take five minutes to jog slowly or walk slowly on an incline while your heartrate returns to normal. Completed a gruelling, all-over, HIIT-style workout? Give yourself five to ten minutes at the end for active recovery, which can include low-impact ab work followed by dynamic stretching. Keep moving and allow yourself to cool down naturally, instead of immediately sitting down. Cooling down and letting your heartbeat return to a resting rate at a slow place will prevent undue stress on your system.

4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate


Staying hydrated should always be part of your mental checklist as you exercise. Take a re-useable water bottle with you to the gym, re-fill often, and drink generously. If you’re not a big water drinker, there are tons of diffusers out there that can offer a hint of fruit flavour without adding loads of sugar and calories.

For some top-tier athletes, runners and trainers, water alone may not cut it in the hydration department. Your decision to drink a sports drink instead of water will depend on whether your aim is hydration (keeping your body cool and with the right balance of fluids) or energy (replenishing sugar and electrolytes), but be careful: Sports drinks tend to be full of sugars and empty calories. For most people, the best choice before and during your workout or run is water, a heavily diluted sports beverage (for some added electrolytes), or water with electrolyte tablets, particularly for runners.

5. Try A Contrast Shower


There are varying opinions on whether or not cold water therapy actually does a body good, but some people absolutely swear by it. There’s anecdotal evidence to suggest that various combinations of hot baths and ice cold showers can help reduce pain and swelling after tough workouts. Give it a try by alternating very cold, with very hot water during your next shower, or enjoy a steam session at the gym to treat yourself after your next workout. You may find that the cold and hot water has varying effects on your muscles, increasing circulation and reducing inflammation. Again, this isn’t for everyone — but those who swear by a hot bath truly believe in it.

6. Write It Down


If goal-setting (and achieving!) is your end-game, it helps to write down what you’ve done and how you got there. Having a notebook dedicated to your workouts to track your progress is a great way to keep your eyes on the prize. Write down what exercise you did on which day, how much weight or what machine you used, and how long you did it for. Keep note of any personal records you may have achieved, whether you ran a mile in your fastest time or beat your former personal best on the bench press. You’ll feel accomplished when you look back to see how far you’ve come, and you may feel motivated to push your workout that much further knowing that there’s a written record of it out there.

7. Meditate


Focus on your breathing, sit quietly or perform some gentle yoga poses and reflect on your workout. What worked, and what didn’t? Did you feel good about your workout? Think about your technique, your goals, and your state of mind. If there’s anything you can change to improve your performance or your health, make a mental note and be sure to act on it next time, but mostly, try to stay in the moment and feel good about your body. Chances are you’ve broken a sweat and got those feel-good endorphins coursing through you; this is the ideal time to centre yourself, harness that energy and enjoy that rare, post-workout glow.

8. Get Some Sleep


Okay, so you may not be hitting the hay immediately after your workout, but getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely essential to great fitness and overall health. Aim to go to bed at around the same time each night, and give yourself a good half an hour before lights out to shut off your electronic devices and enjoy some “you” time, whether that means reading a book or quietly listening to music with a cup of chamomile tea. If you wake up feeling refreshed and energized, you’ll be much less likely to reach for sugary, carb-filled treats for energy, and you’ll have a much better workout, too.

9. Congratulate Yourself


Making it to the gym and having a successful workout deserves celebration, so give yourself a pat on the back. Sticking to a workout regime may sometimes seem like an overwhelming goal, but each time you make it to the gym, you’re one step closer than you were before. This is not the time for negative thoughts, or to chide yourself for not doing enough. Remind yourself that you’re making progress, even if it doesn’t seem like it. You’re a champion.

10. Plan Ahead


Once you’re done with today’s workout, it’s time to start planning for tomorrow. Hopefully you already have an established schedule, but you should still take a second to make sure you’re on track for another successful workout. See when the next gym class is coming up, or take a look at your work schedule for the next week to ensure you can squeeze in your workouts. Think about what your specific goals will be for the next session. Planning ahead is always the first step to great fitness.


Original article and pictures take wwws.fitnessrepublic.com site

пятница, 16 октября 2015 г.

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Original article and pictures take www.heartmybodyfitness.com site