воскресенье, 29 января 2017 г.

This Yoga Sequence Will Loosen Up Insanely Tight Hamstrings

This Yoga Sequence Will Loosen Up Insanely Tight Hamstrings

Running and crazy-tight hamstrings seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly, but it doesn't have to be that way! Hop on your mat after a run and do this short yoga sequence. It not only targets the backs of the legs, but also increases flexibility in the lower back and hips—opening those areas also helps to decrease tightness in the hamstrings.

Wide-Legged Tipover Tuck
POPSUGAR Photography / Louisa Larson; Photography / Jenny Sugar

Extended Wide Squat

  • Now bend the knees, and lower into a wide squat.
  • Extend your arms in front of you and relax the head, feeling the stretch in your hips and lower back for five breaths.

Standing Forward Bend

  • From extended wide squat, slowly stand up with the feet hip-width distance apart.
  • Fold the torso and rest the hands on the thighs, shins or on the floor if you can reach.
  • Shift weight forward into the toes to intensify the stretch in the backs of the legs.
  • Stay like this for five deep breaths, nodding the head up and down and from side to side to release the neck.

Standing Hand to Big Toe A

  • From standing forward bend, hold the right big toe with the first two fingers and thumb of the right hand. Rest your left hand on the left hip.
  • Shift weight into the left foot, and on an inhale, come to stand, raising the right leg into the air. If it's too hard with the right leg straight, just bend the knee and focus on standing tall to open the hamstring on the standing leg.
  • Tuck your tailbone in so your torso is in line with your standing leg. Hold for five breaths.

Standing Hand to Big Toe B

  • From standing hand to big toe A, rotate your right leg out to the side, gazing over your left shoulder (bend the knee if you need to).
  • Pull the right toes as high as you can, holding here for five deep breaths.


  • From standing hand to big toe B, bring the right leg back to center. Bend the knee, lean forward and kick the leg behind you.
  • Reach your left arm out in front of you. Try to keep your chest open and your bottom leg straight.
  • Enjoy this pose for five breaths.

Intense Side Stretch

  • From dancer, release hold of the right leg and step it forward so there is about three feet between your feet.
  • Fold forward over your straight right leg, resting your hands on the hips or on either side of the front leg, breathing deeply for five breaths.

Circling Three-Legged Dog

  • From intense side stretch, plant the palms on either side of the right foot.
  • Kick the right leg behind you, coming into three-legged dog.
  • Take a breath in, and as you exhale, slowly lower the right foot toward the floor beside your left foot, but before it touches the ground, swing it back up to the right, making a circle and coming back to starting position.
  • Repeat, circling the leg for a few breaths in this direction, and then reverse the direction of your circles for another few breaths.

Open Lizard

  • From circling three-legged dog, step your right foot forward beside your right hand, and lower your left knee to the floor, pointing the toes.
  • Slowly lower your right knee to the right, so you're resting on the outside of your right flexed foot. Keep your arms straight, pressing your chest forward to encourage your hips to lower, increasing the stretch.
  • Gaze forward, and enjoy this pose for five breaths.


  • From open lizard, draw the right knee back in, shift weight back, bending your left knee and straightening your right leg (the photo illustrates the other side).
  • Fold toward your straight right leg coming into an easier variation of split. If you need more of a stretch, inch the right heel away from you, lowering the hips toward the ground.
  • You by no means need to go all the way down into a full split! Hold wherever you feel a deep stretch in the right hamstring for five breaths.

One-Legged Seated Saddle

  • From split or the split variation, rotate your torso so your shoulders are over the hips, lowering your tush to the floor, keeping the legs in a wide straddle.
  • Turn to the right leg and fold over the thigh, breathing deeply for five breaths.

Head to Knee

  • From one-legged seated straddle, bend your left knee, and place the sole of your foot against your right inner thigh, pulling your heel as close to your body as you can (the photo illustrates the other side).
  • Stay folded over your right leg. Rest your hands on the floor on either side of your leg, on your shin or wrap your hands around your right foot.
  • Stay here for five breaths.

Double Pigeon

  • From head to knee, sit up, keep the left knee bent. Bend your right knee, placing it on top of the left ankle. Your knees, shins and ankles should be stacked with the shins parallel.
  • To make this pose more intense, place your hands in front of your shins and walk them out as far as you can, folding your chest toward your legs.
  • Stay here for five breaths.

Reclining Big Toe A

  • From double pigeon hold onto your lower right leg, and lie down with the left knee bent and your left foot planted firmly on the floor.
  • Raise your right leg into the air, holding behind the thigh, calf, the big toe or place a strap over the arch of your foot.
  • Keep your torso relaxed, and hold for five breaths.

Reclining Big Toe B

  • From reclining big toe pose, extend the left leg along the floor. Then lower the right leg out to the side.
  • Gaze to the left, staying here for five breaths.

Reclining Straddle

  • From reclining big toe B, hold onto your big toes and straighten your legs out as wide as you can.
  • Keep your head and shoulders relaxed on the floor, enjoying this stretch for five deep breaths.
  • Then bend the knees into the chest, rocking over the spine from head to tailbone. Rock all the way up to a standing position.

Now repeat this sequence on the left side.

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

среда, 18 января 2017 г.

THIS Sickening Reason Is Why You Should NEVER Buy Food From Jimmy John's Again!

THIS Sickening Reason Is Why You Should NEVER Buy Food From Jimmy John's Again!

THIS Sickening Reason Is Why You Should NEVER Buy Food From Jimmy John's Again! THIS Sickening Reason Is Why You Should NEVER Buy Fo...

Original article and pictures take www.livearticles.tk site

среда, 11 января 2017 г.

These 29 Diagrams Are All You Need To Get In Shape

These 29 Diagrams Are All You Need To Get In Shape

1. For something to munch on during your next hike.

Because no one likes hiking hungry. The solution: easy-to-make, easy-to-carry, extra tasty trail mix.

Because no one likes hiking hungry. The solution: easy-to-make, easy-to-carry, extra tasty trail mix.


2. For opening up your hips.

Sitting at work, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch. We sit a lot. And tight hips are the scourge of sitters. Learn these basic (but brilliant) poses from PopSugar to open your hips and stretch you out.popsugar.com

Sitting at work, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch. We sit a lot. And tight hips are the scourge of sitters. Learn these basic (but brilliant) poses from PopSugar to open your hips and stretch you out.

POPSUGAR Photography / Louisa Larson / Via

3. For creating smoothie snack packs to grab and go.


Get more delicious smoothie recipes from The Chic Table.

Get more delicious smoothie recipes from The Chic Table.


4. For tying your sneakers just right.

Okay, so it might seem like lacing is all about aesthetics, but experimenting with different ways to lace can eliminate fit problems and make your shoes way comfier during running and workouts. Learn more at He and She Eat Clean.

Okay, so it might seem like lacing is all about aesthetics, but experimenting with different ways to lace can eliminate fit problems and make your shoes way comfier during running and workouts. Learn more at He and She Eat Clean.

He and She Eat Clean / Via heandsheeatclean.com

5. For exercising to a beat.

Why shouldn't your workout be a dance party, especially when science says music enhances workout performance? Get the songs in this playlist from Skinny Ms.

Why shouldn't your workout be a dance party, especially when science says music enhances workout performance? Get the songs in this playlist from Skinny Ms.


6. For dropping it like it's squat.

Mastering the squat means mastering an epically effective lower body movement. For technique and instructions, check our roundup of bodyweight movements.buzzfeed.com

Mastering the squat means mastering an epically effective lower body movement. For technique and instructions, check our roundup of bodyweight movements.

7. For challenging yourself to 14 straight days of physical activity.

Strong butt, strong core, can't lose! Take BuzzFeed's 14-Day Strong Butt And Core Challenge and you'll be a plank pro in no time. Well, OK, in two weeks.buzzfeed.com

Strong butt, strong core, can't lose! Take BuzzFeed's 14-Day Strong Butt And Core Challenge and you'll be a plank pro in no time. Well, OK, in two weeks.

Why chug water when you snack on fruit and vegetables that are basically made of water? Get more info and recipes with hydrating ingredients from Skinny Ms.

Why chug water when you snack on fruit and vegetables that are basically made of water? Get more info and recipes with hydrating ingredients from Skinny Ms.


9. For a quick one-dumbbell workout.

This workout from Women's Health requires a single dumbbell — the heaviest one you can handle for the moves.

This workout from Women's Health requires a single dumbbell — the heaviest one you can handle for the moves.


And check out our Ultimate Guide to Paleo for info on how to go paleo and make it work for you.

And check out our Ultimate Guide to Paleo for info on how to go paleo and make it work for you.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com

11. For a quick (but killer) total-body workout that focuses on your core.

If you need to squeeze in a quick workout at home, while traveling, or when you don't have access to a gym, quick but effective bodyweight workouts are where it's at. Find more from our roundup of bodyweight workouts.buzzfeed.com

If you need to squeeze in a quick workout at home, while traveling, or when you don't have access to a gym, quick but effective bodyweight workouts are where it's at. Find more from our roundup of bodyweight workouts.

12. For getting loose and preventing injury.

Foam rolling will help you keep your post-workout soreness under control. But there is a right way to do it, so learn more from Fitwirr before rolling around willy nilly.

Foam rolling will help you keep your post-workout soreness under control. But there is a right way to do it, so learn more from Fitwirr before rolling around willy nilly.


13. For compiling the runner's starter kit.

Good sneakers, lots of water, the right apparel, and a decent workout: the building blocks of a sustainable, enjoyable running practice. Learn more about how to get started running with Fix.fix.com

Good sneakers, lots of water, the right apparel, and a decent workout: the building blocks of a sustainable, enjoyable running practice. Learn more about how to get started running with Fix.

14. For chilling the f*ck out on your rest day.

Managing stress and recovering from workouts are important parts of fitness, so chill out with relaxing poses from Yoga by Candace.

Managing stress and recovering from workouts are important parts of fitness, so chill out with relaxing poses from Yoga by Candace.

Candace Moore / Via yogabycandace.com

15. For a tough (but doable) resistance band workout.

Resistance bands level up any bodyweight workout and are convenient to pack for workouts away from home. Learn about each move from The Live Fit Girls.

Resistance bands level up any bodyweight workout and are convenient to pack for workouts away from home. Learn about each move from The Live Fit Girls.


16. For learning what makes great pre-workout fuel.

Because being properly fueled for your workout is everything. Get more details and ideas for what to eat before you exercise from SparkPeople.

Because being properly fueled for your workout is everything. Get more details and ideas for what to eat before you exercise from SparkPeople.


17. For picking out the perfect pair of running shoes.

A decent pair of running sneakers can mean the difference between feeling great and staying injury-free, and runs that make it feel like everything hurts. Let Fix explain what running sneaker fit is all about and how to find the right pair for you.fix.com

A decent pair of running sneakers can mean the difference between feeling great and staying injury-free, and runs that make it feel like everything hurts. Let Fix explain what running sneaker fit is all about and how to find the right pair for you.

Working your core is one thing. Working your core on a ball that's rolling away from you is another. If you're ready to take up the challenge, learn more about stability ball training from Fitwirr.

Working your core is one thing. Working your core on a ball that's rolling away from you is another. If you're ready to take up the challenge, learn more about stability ball training from Fitwirr.


Chest to deck, arms fully extended, plank position: These are a few of a pushup's favorite things. Learn the dos and don'ts of a proper pushup from our roundup of bodyweight exercises.buzzfeed.com

Chest to deck, arms fully extended, plank position: These are a few of a pushup's favorite things. Learn the dos and don'ts of a proper pushup from our roundup of bodyweight exercises.

20. For help hitting all your major muscle groups.

Learn the ropes and have all the info you need to be able to say stuff like neilarey.com

Learn the ropes and have all the info you need to be able to say stuff like "Tomorrow's leg day," "My quads so tight!" and "Anyone know a good hamstring stretch?" The more you know.

21. For figuring out what to eat before your 30- to 60-minute run.

What will you eat to power you through your run? Free People has some ideas.

What will you eat to power you through your run? Free People has some ideas.


22. For a medicine ball workout with plenty of jumping.

This quick workout will challenge your explosive power and probably your mental toughness. Get full instructions from Run Pretty.

This quick workout will challenge your explosive power and probably your mental toughness. Get full instructions from Run Pretty.

Presley Salmon / Via runprettyblog.com

23. For a running workout that challenges speed and endurance.

Why do the same ol' steady-pace run when you can mix it up with surges? If that's not your scene, we have nine other running workouts to spice up your routine.buzzfeed.com

Why do the same ol' steady-pace run when you can mix it up with surges? If that's not your scene, we have nine other running workouts to spice up your routine.

24. For packing your gym bag like a pro.

If you have all the right stuff packed and ready to go, your workout will go smoothly and your post-workout cleanup will be efficient. Here's how to pack for the world's most efficient workout routine.

If you have all the right stuff packed and ready to go, your workout will go smoothly and your post-workout cleanup will be efficient. Here's how to pack for the world's most efficient workout routine.

Angela Peters / Via hairsprayandhighheels.net

25. For a high-intensity strength and conditioning workout:

Master some dumbbell moves and start getting stronger with a strength and conditioning workout you can do in 15 minutes, thanks to Women's Health.

Master some dumbbell moves and start getting stronger with a strength and conditioning workout you can do in 15 minutes, thanks to Women's Health.


Step up your coordination and body awareness by learning how to balance better; Yoga by Candace takes you through it one pose at a time.

Step up your coordination and body awareness by learning how to balance better; Yoga by Candace takes you through it one pose at a time.

Candace Moore / Via yogabycandace.com

27. For breathing techniques that help you get more from your workout.

No matter what kind of workout you're doing, controlling your breath is a powerful way to improve performance. Fix has more info on how to master different breathing techniques.fix.com

No matter what kind of workout you're doing, controlling your breath is a powerful way to improve performance. Fix has more info on how to master different breathing techniques.

28. For becoming a runner in 30 days.

You actually can run for 30 minutes straight thanks to this step-by-step plan from Neila Ray!neilarey.com

You actually can run for 30 minutes straight thanks to this step-by-step plan from Neila Ray!

29. For when you need another reason to work out. And another one after that.

One of these could be the extra boost of motivation we need, thanks to Neila Ray.neilarey.com

One of these could be the extra boost of motivation we need, thanks to Neila Ray.

I Tried The Hipster Toothbrush That’s All Over Facebook And TBH I Loved It

If you love your iPhone, Amazon Prime, and Warby Parker glasses, you'll probably like the Quip.

Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site