вторник, 30 мая 2017 г.

Try These Post-Workout Stretches For A Better Recovery

Try These Post-Workout Stretches For A Better Recovery

Do you stretch after every workout? A good, post-workout stretch session will increase flexibility and range of motion, and help prevent workout injuries. On the other hand, skipping your cool-down stretch sesh can cause a build up of tension, hurt your posture, and result in unnecessary stiffness.

Stretching after a gruelling workout may seem like a drag, but it is pretty important. Don’t just perform a few half-hearted toe touches, either; your stretches should be deep and focused on the muscles you just used during your workout.

Try some of these stretches to get started, and you’ll begin to notice the difference quickly.

Stretching For Post-Workout Recovery

Stretching particularly tight areas after your workout is a great way to recover, but it is only part of a complete workout recovery. You should also cool down by walking or moving in place. You want to let your heart rate decrease slowly and keep moving to prevent needless soreness. Instead of hitting the lockers immediately after stepping off the treadmill, walk a few laps around the gym, drink some water, do some stretches, and maybe even use a foam roller. An established post workout recovery strategy will help prevent injury and soreness.

Dynamic Post-Workout Stretches

These are exactly what they sound like: stretches that keep you in motion. Dynamic stretching wakes up your muscles, improves their range of motion, and improves performance in physical activity. Try some of these stretches to keep yourself limber after your workout.

Knee-To-Chest Raises

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and back straight. Lift one knee up into the air so you’re standing on one foot, and grab the lifted leg by the shin for support. Bring your knee as close to your chest as you can, hold it for a second or two, then release it and lower your foot to the floor. Repeat with the other side.

Gentle Jump Squats

Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your hands behind your head, then lower yourself into squat position. Jump upward explosively and land on your feet for one rep. This stretch will get blood flowing in your legs and lower body, and it is a great way to cool down. Just don’t overdo it. Rather than going quickly to accelerate your heart rate, do this one slowly, and really settle deep into the squat to emphasize the stretch.

Kneeling Lunge Stretch

Start by kneeling on the ground with one foot forward. Keeping your back straight, use one arm to grab your ankle and pull it up toward your back as far as you can, until you feel a good stretch. Hold it for a moment, then release. Switch legs and repeat.

Static Post-Workout Stretches

Of course, many of the best stretches are static. They usually involve holding a single position for 10 seconds or so, then releasing. These stretches will help lengthen your muscles and reduce soreness after a workout. Remember, static stretches are best done after a workout when your muscles are good and warm in order to avoid injury; never before.

Shoulder Stretch

Start by either standing upright or sitting upright on a chair or bench. Lift your elbow up above your head with your hand behind your back. Grab your elbow with your other hand and pull it in toward your head gently. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat on the other side.

Heel Drop

Stand on the edge of a step or bench, with the balls of your feet on the edge. Carefully drop your heels down and hold the position for 10 seconds while maintaining balance. Return to the starting position and repeat. You may need to hold a railing or other support during this exercise for balance; just make sure you’re putting all your weight on your feet.

Upward Dog

For this one you’ll need a yoga mat. Lie on your stomach with your toes extended out, and your hands flat on the mat next to your chest. Push through your hands and straighten your arms to lift your chest up as if you were a serpent. Your thighs and hips should also come off the floor, so your weight is resting on your hands and toes. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then lower yourself back to the ground.

Forward Bend

This is about as simple as stretches come. Start by sitting on the floor or a mat with your feet together, extended out in front of you. Keep your back straight, and bend forward, reaching for your toes. If possible, grab your feet with your hands. If not, stretch as far as you can, and hold the position for 10 seconds before relaxing.

More Post-Workout Recovery Tips

After a workout, sometimes the last thing you want to do is hang around a gym and do post-exercise maintenance. However, putting the time in to properly cool down and stretch after a workout will go a long way toward reducing soreness, preventing injury, and increasing flexibility. Remember that you don’t have to do every stretch after every workout. Focus mainly on the major muscle groups you used, paying extra attention to muscles that are tight or sore. Don’t forget to indulge in other aspects of your post-workout routine as well: hydrate, mediate for a few minutes, consider rolling out sore muscles with a foam roller, and treat yourself to a hot steam shower or sauna. You will be glad you did.

Original article and pictures take wwws.fitnessrepublic.com site

понедельник, 15 мая 2017 г.

Total Core Tightener – This Deep Fat Melter Really Works!

Total Core Tightener – This Deep Fat Melter Really Works!

This total core tightener will really push your limits! Break through the pain and melt away that stubborn belly fat!

Hip Thruster

1. Sit on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands behind you, with your palms pressed to the floor.

2. Using your palms and heels for support, squeeze your glutes to raise your hips off the floor until your torso is horizontal. Squeeze for 2-3 seconds at the top.

3. Slowly lower your hips back down. This is one rep.

Clapping Push Ups

Clapping push ups are a great way to work on explosive chest and tricep power. At the bottom of your push-up, explosively contract your chest and triceps to elevate your torso in the air enough to clap once (or more) before you place your hands back. Be careful not to hurt your wrists when you land from this.

Garhammer Raise

The garhammer raise may sound strange, but it’s a great exercise for hitting your core.

1. Lie on your back with your arms above your head and your legs extended in the air above you.

2. Keep your core tensed and lower your legs down to a few inches above the ground.

3. Engage your abs whilst your legs are above the floor and raise your legs up with your toes pointed.

4. When your legs are above you, raise your lower back off the floor to bring your toes over your head.

5. Keep your abs tight and lower your legs back down to your start position with them elevated a few inches above the floor. This is one rep.

Glute Bridge

An essential move to grow big glutes!

1. Lie flat on your back with your arms at your side.

2. Bend your knees and place your heels on the floor.

3. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders are all aligned. Hold for 2-3 seconds at the top.

4. Slowly release back down until your hips are on the floor. This is one rep.


The crunch is a great base ab exercise.

1. Lie flat on your back.

2. Place your hands at the side of your head or flat beside you. Don’t pull on your head or neck.

3. Tense your abs to bring your torso off the floor, whilst at the same time using your abs to raise your legs into the air to complete the crunch.

4. Hold for 2-3 seconds before returning to a flat initial position. One crunch is one rep.


Swimmers are a great way to work your whole body whilst giving your lower back a workout.

1. Lie on your stomach and squeeze your glutes as hard as you can, raising both legs off the ground.

2. Reach forwards with your arms, keeping your palms facing downwards a few inches above the ground.

3. Lift your alternate arm and leg up into the air, squeezing all of the muscles from your shoulders down to your glutes. This is one rep.

4. Repeat with the other arm rapidly.

Jackknife From Lying Flat

The jackknife is another great exercise for hitting the full length of your ab muscles.

1. Lie flat on your back with your hands stretched out above your head.

2. Engage your ab muscles, raising your torso and keeping your arms beside your head until the top of your crunch.

3. At the same time, use your abs to raise your legs towards you whilst keeping them straight.

4. When you’re at the top of your crunch, continue to move your arms around to the side of your legs, tensing your abs in this position.

5. Slowly reverse this movement, lowering your legs and torso until you’re lying flat again. This is one rep.

Glute Bridge to Leg Raise

This variation of the glute bridge helps remove some stability whilst working your legs.

1. Perform a standard glute bridge.

2. At the top of the glute bridge, tense your hip flexors and abs, bringing one knee up until it’s directly above you.

3. Return your leg slowly back down to the ground. This is one rep.

4. Repeat with the other leg.

Original article and pictures take transformfitspo.com site