пятница, 27 октября 2017 г.

Yoga for Digestion

Yoga for Digestion
Her Campus Newsletter

Now that the holidays are here, we are becoming bombarded with holiday treats and might find yourself a little bloated and backed up. With the help of yoga, your body can process all that food a little easier.

1. Seated Forward Fold

Begin seated on your mat, with your legs straight out in front of you. Breathe in and straighten your spine, like you are sitting up, then exhale reaching for your toes. Hold for 5-10 breaths, reaching further with each breathe.

2.Cat and Cow

Begin the same way as downward dog, on your hands and knees with wrists beneath your shoulders and your knees below your hips, with a neutral spine. Inhale and shift your gaze to the sky, dropping your belly slightly. Exhale and drop your head and round your back, spreading your fingertips wide. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

3. Childs Pose

Begin kneeling, knees hip distance apart with the tops of your feet on the ground. Bend forward reaching towards the edge of the mat and spread your fingers wide. Relax your shoulders away from your ears, feeling a stretch down your spine. Continue to reach forward with each breath. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

4. One-legged seated twist

Begin seated on your mat, with your legs straight out in front of you. Twist your body towards your right leg, and take your left leg and place it on the outside of your right leg, bending it so your foot can rest on the ground. Squeeze your leg and hold for 5-10 breaths. Repeat with your right leg.

5. Pigeon Pose

Start in down dog. Exhale, bringing your left knee to your left elbow and left ankle to right wrist on your mat. Fold forward over your left leg, feeling your spine lengthen. Hold for 3 breaths.

By warming up your body, your muscles can relax and that will help assist your “inner flow” and get things moving again. Namaste.

Original article and pictures take www.hercampus.com site

пятница, 20 октября 2017 г.

Yoga for Athletes - Post-workout Soreness - Easy yoga to stretch tight muscles

Yoga for Athletes - Post-workout Soreness - Easy yoga to stretch tight muscles

Big day at the gym? Long run? Every athlete gets sore. Use this video to stretch out and loosen up so you can recover faster and get back on your A-game!

Reflexion Yoga offers beginner yoga, yoga classes, yoga workouts, yoga poses, yoga postures, yoga exercises, yoga for weight loss, online yoga, power yoga, vinyasa yoga, restorative yoga, yoga for athletes, a yoga blog, yoga for beginners, and a HUGE library of yoga videos, all at at a fraction of the costs of a yoga studio!

Get your FREE ebook of The Top 5 Beginner Yoga Secrets by Reflexion Yoga Founder, Kyle Weiger!

CLICK HERE: https://reflexionyoga.com/sign-up/

Subscribe to our channel and get started! New videos being added all the time!

Be Light,

The Reflexion Yoga Team

P.S.: Share this video with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!!

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

пятница, 13 октября 2017 г.

Yoga for Athletes - Post Workout Practice

Yoga for Athletes - Post Workout Practice

Stretch out, unwind, and realign the body. This calculated practice is designed ease your muscles into cool down mode immediately following your workout regime. Learn to stretch and open the body to optimize the benefits of your athletic practice, and encourage muscles to begin tissue reparation. For the entire Yoga for Athlete's series, click here: http://grokker.com/ashleigh-sergeant. Allow Grokker Yoga Expert Ashleigh Sergeant to aid in grounding your energy to calm the nervous system and realign the body. All levels welcome.

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site