вторник, 28 июня 2011 г.

Branch Out With These Tree Stretches

Branch Out With These Tree Stretches

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Backbends aren't just for yoga class. This gentle move will stretch through your abs and chest as well as increase flexibility in your spine and shoulders.

Stand with your back about three feet away from the tree. Lift your arms above your head, gently look behind you, and reach for the trunk. You might need to step closer to the tree if you're having a hard time making contact with the tree. Walk your hands as far down as you want, pressing into the bark to help your hips and ribs move forward, stacking them over your feet. Stay here for 30 seconds, and then slowly stand up.

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site

четверг, 23 июня 2011 г.

Boost your strength with stretching

Boost your strength with stretching

It’s a common misconception that stretching after a workout alleviates muscle soreness. It doesn’t. But what it actually does, according to a recent study in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, is make you stronger. An increased range of motion – best achieved through effective stretching – allows your muscles to lengthen, catalysing faster growth.

(Related: The beginner's guide to stretching and mobility)

Do this 10-minute stretching routine, designed by celebrity PT Ramona Braganza, after every workout to speed up your strength gains, increase your agility and injury-proof your body.

1. Downward dog

Reps 2

Hold the pose for 10 breaths – or around one minute.

How to do it Begin on your hands and knees with your fingers spread wide and toes curled. Exhale as you lift your pelvis up and backwards, straightening your arms and legs to form a wide inverted ‘V’ position. Keep pressing into the ground with your hands while simultaneously reaching your pelvis up as far as you can. Feel the stretch in your calf muscles, hamstrings and your back as you take long slow breaths while raising and lowering your heels to the ground.

(Related: Improve your workouts with foam rollers)

Why “This increases flexibility and range of motion in your hamstrings and hips, and relieves muscle tension in your lower back,” says Braganza.

2. Lunge

Reps 2 each leg

Hold the pose for 10 breaths – or around one minute. Repeat with both legs

How to do it From a standing position, step backwards with your right foot as far as feels comfortable, landing with your back leg straight, your weight on the ball of your foot, and your front knee slightly bent. Keep your hips forward as you press your heel back towards the ground while lifting your pubic bone. Feel the stretch in your quads and hip flexors. Repeat with the other leg.

(Watch: Ape to gorilla mobility matrix)

Why This improves your balance – often overlooked in a workout program. Also, holding in the pose will help strengthen and correct any muscle imbalances, says Braganza.

3. Triangle

Reps 2

Hold the pose for 10 breaths – or around one minute. Repeat with both sides

How to do it Begin standing with your legs around 3-4 feet apart, body facing forward, and arms stretched to make a capital ‘T’ at shoulder level. Turn your right foot out while keeping your hips facing forward and turn your left foot in from 90 degrees to 70 degrees. Make sure your base is strong by lining up your right heel with the instep of your left foot.

As you exhale, reach your right arm past your right toes, then slowly begin to bend to your right, pushing out from the hips and taking your right arm to a comfortable position on your leg, with your left arm continuing to reach up towards the ceiling. Do not roll your hips or torso forward. As you hold the pose, slowly allow your supporting hand to move further down your leg. Keep your head facing forward – or to make it more challenging look up at your left arm. Repeat on the other side.

(Related: 7 best ways to start mobility training)

Why This move is tough. It will increase tax your core, as well as improve your flexibility and balance. “The isometric contractions that this pose forces are a nice change-up from machine-based resistance workouts,” says Braganza.

Original article and pictures take www.menshealth.co.uk site

пятница, 10 июня 2011 г.

Best Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks for Any Type of Exercise

Best Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks for Any Type of Exercise

It's important to nourish your body when you ask a lot of it. Prepare for your next workout by eating a great pre-workout snack and then reward it for its hard work afterwards. We've found the best foods to eat before and after your favorite workouts to help you get the most them.


Before: Yoga instructors recommend avoiding eating a large meal before yoga class. Trying to flow through poses is harder on a full stomach. Try eating a banana, apple or a small handful of nuts an hour before your yoga practice to give you energy and hold you over until you've finished.


After: Once you've finished yoga, treat your muscles with some protein. If it's a morning yoga class, an omelet with spinach is a great meal. For an evening class, prepare some salmon with a side of veggies.

Honey Mustard Glazed Salmon


Before: Before hitting the pavement (or treadmill) you'll want to fuel up! Runner's World suggests a snack that is higher in carbs but low in fiber and fat. Try some graham crackers with honey, a peanut butter and banana sandwich or some low-fat yogurt with fruit!

morning evening run (1)

After: After running, make sure you get some water and electrolytes. After you've cooled down, giving your body some carbs and protein is a great idea. Try a tasty quinoa salad, chicken breast or a turkey sandwich!


Before: Going to a workout hungry means your muscles have nothing to build on. Before lifting weights, try to consume a snack with protein and carbs to give your body the fuel it needs. A salad is a great low-cal meal, but won't help you when you lifting!

weight lifting woman

After: Post-lifting, the obvious answer is to eat protein so you can sustain the muscle you're building. However, before you blend together a delicious Brownie Batter Protein Smoothie, add a little carb to your diet to get your insulin up. A piece of fruit should do the trick!

fresh apples and pears


Before: When you pack your gym bag before Zumba, try grabbing an apple! A small dose of carbs will give your body the energy it needs. If you're going for a longer cardio workout, a bit of protein, like an egg or a small piece of meat, is a good idea, but give yourself a little over an hour to digest it.

Cranberry Apple Slaw

After: According to Shape, if you've just completed a typical cardio workout, you don't necessarily need to eat right after because you've been burning calories thanks to an accelerated heart rate, but haven't used up much fuel. However, if you had a long workout, like when training for a race, or did a HIIT, high intensity workout or a lot of sprints, eating a snack with carbs and protein is a good idea.

aerobics class

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(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

(Photo: Shutterstock.com)

Original article and pictures take asset.popculture.com site

вторник, 7 июня 2011 г.

Best Injury-Preventing Exercises

Best Injury-Preventing Exercises
Best Exercises to Prevent Injury
Best Exercises to Prevent Injury

As anyone whose hobby involves physical activity knows, you can't expect your body to operate in tip-top shape without a little coaxing. Only running or cycling, for example, makes you more prone to painful injuries that can leave you nursing your condition on the couch instead of out there doing what you love. We've rounded up the best stretches and exercises to help you prehab before catastrophe happens. Pick a few from each common injury group to help stay out of the doctor's office and happily in the gym or on the road.

— Additional reporting by Lizzie Fuhr and Jenny Sugar

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site