вторник, 1 сентября 2015 г.

strong upper body superset workout with supernola

strong upper body superset workout with supernola

10 upper body exercises paired into a superset workout to blast and burnout your back, biceps, shoulders, chest, and triceps; making every season tank top season.

strong upper body superset workout | www.nourishmovelove.com

I love total body circuit workouts! To be completely honest, 90% of the time I’m either doing a total body barre or hiit circuit workout; or focusing on legs {I just love a good booty burn}. And then I wonder why my arms aren’t as chiseled as I’d like them to be?!

While total body training is great, I also believe in split-muscle training. Which means spending an entire workout focused on either the upper body or lower body {or 2-3 specific muscles in the upper/lower body}.

This workout specifically focuses on the upper body; pairing 10 exercises into a superset workout to strengthen and tone your back, biceps, shoulders, chest and triceps. Making every season tank top season.

To make sure you’re well fueled before and after your strong upper body superset workout, I’ve teamed up with Supernola, the perfect pre-and-post workout snack.

So grab your dumbbells, don’t be afraid to go heavy especially on the strength exercises, and get to work!

Pair this strong upper-body superset workout with a 3 mile run, 2,000 meter row, sprint intervals, or this jumping jack cardio circuit for a well-rounded cardio + strength training workout.

the workout: strong upper body superset workout

Complete the number of repetitions listed next to each exercise below, 12 repetitions for strength exercises and 15 repetitions for burnout {toning} exercises. Repeat the entire circuit x 2 sets.

Grab a medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells and get to work!

You can also, challenge yourself and increase core engagement by balancing on one leg during the strength exercises {switching balance legs the second time through the workout}.


  • Strength 12 Reps: Bent over row
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Alligator fly


  • Strength 12 Reps: In + Out Bicep Curl
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Bicep Pulse


  • Strength 12 Reps: Arnold Press
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Overhead Jack


  • Strength 12 Reps: Chest Fly
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Push Up


  • Strength 12 Reps: Skull Crusher
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Single arm-side lying press {right/left}

repeat entire workout x 2 sets for complete upper body workout.

see video above for complete workout and proper exercise form.

strength 12 reps: bent over row

bent over row

burnout 15 reps: alligator fly

alligator fly

strength 12 reps: in + out bicep curl

in + out bicep curl

burnout 15 reps: bicep pulse

bicep pulse

strength 12 reps: arnold press

arnold press

burnout 15 reps: overhead jack

overhead jack

strength 12 reps: chest fly

chest fly

burnout 15 reps: push up

push up

strength 12 reps: skull crusher

skull crusher

burnout 15 reps: single arm side-lying press {right/left}

single arm side-lying press

If you’re often on-the-go like me, you know the importance of having healthy snacks on hand at all times. Enter Supernola, superfood granola that’s grain-free, gluten-free, and made with all real, non-gmo ingredients!

With four unique flavors to choose from, Supernola is the perfect pre-or-post workout fuel for women on the go! Which flavor do you want to try?

Supernola Berries n' Creme

I personally love berries n’ creme! But each flavor of Supernola is delicious, combining the flavors of 15 different superfood ingredients, while still being lower in sugar and sodium.


For a limited time I’m sharing the Supernola love — get 20% off all supernola orders using discount code: NML20


this workout is a sponsored post in partnership with Supernola. all words and opinions are my own. thank you for supporting the brands that make nourish move love and all the content you see on this blog possible.

the workout: strong upper body superset workout

Complete the number of repetitions listed next to each exercise below, 12 repetitions for strength exercises and 15 repetitions for burnout exercises. Repeat the entire circuit x 2 sets.


  • Strength 12 Reps: Bent over row
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Alligator fly


  • Strength 12 Reps: In + Out Bicep Curl
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Bicep Pulse


  • Strength 12 Reps: Arnold Press
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Overhead Jack


  • Strength 12 Reps: Chest Fly
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Push Up


  • Strength 12 Reps: Skull Crusher
  • Burnout 15 Reps: Single arm-side lying press {right/left}

repeat entire workout x 2 sets for complete upper body workout.

If you don’t have access to a set of dumbbells give these 10 exercises to sculpt your arms without weights a try!

granola lovers raise your hands and tell me in the comments below what unique flavor of Supernola you’d like to try most!

pin this workout

strong upper body superset workout | www.nourishmovelove.com

Original article and pictures take www.nourishmovelove.com site

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